Mtn Dew is now more popular than Dr. Pepper! (what would Gump think?)

Started by Darren Dirt, March 01, 2013, 10:05:35 AM

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Darren Dirt


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Mr. Analog on March 01, 2013, 10:19:14 AM
Just remember is DR PEPPER not "Doctor" Pepper

Remember back in the good ol' days when to get you to purchase/consume a product, instead of throwing subtle emotionally manipulative visuals and music, marketers simply used pseudo-scientific empty verbiage in huge wordy ads that was never in danger of being legally contested as scientificaly fraudulent?

"Dr. Pepper is liquid sunlight."

"Drink a beverage that promotes cell building, not one that simply deadens the sensory nerves. Drink Dr. Pepper. Solar energy-liquid sunshine."


"Big Brother loves you..." ;)

(History of Da Pep' is not as bad as it could be though, at least it doesn't have Nazi-tied* origins)

*sorry for being so click-baity misleading -- now I feel like I just posted a Buzzfeed article title ;) Truth be told, "Fanta was basically invented when the war made it difficult to get Coca-Cola syrup from the USA to Germany"

Then again, but seriously, mmm... pomace nom nom :P


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

A relic of the past

Like Q-Ray bracelets or HEAD-ON (apply directly to the forehead) ;)

Other techniques that still exist include:

-Equating general happiness with product
-Attracting attention, product appears (not necessarily linked)
-Product placement
-Superiority / demonstrations
-Virtues extolled
-Invoking sentimentality
-Demographic targeting
-Celebrity endorsement
-and so on (repetition)

I love mixed media advertising (Television, YouTube) because often if you remove a part of it (the audio or the video) it unravels itself before you, you start to notice just how many times the product is placed in front of you or how often its name is said.

Demographically targeted advertising is also a HUGE source of entertainment for me because as advanced as I'd like to imagine it is, it very often misfires and sends some rather hilarious content my way (or in some cases obvious, like I went to Futureshop and bought a soundbar online, guess what was in my targeted Futureshop e-mail for the next 6 months? Selections of sound bars! Something you buy maybe once in a lifetime). So many services hook together through search engines and sites yet don't understand the CONTEXT lead to hilarity, look up art references for clothing == start getting ads for handbags. Hang out with an artist on a Japanese streaming site once a week start getting ads in Japanese. Search for tools start getting ads for pre-fab farm buildings

If AI is ever actually perfected I'm pretty sure it's 2nd use is going to be how to get advertising into my brain without me knowing 100% of the time
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Beer commercials and similar -- with no sound. They are ... less effective. Less successful in manipulating you into the correct mood to want to buy their product (i.e. want to live the life depicted in their 30 second blipvert).


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Even that sound of a can/bottle opening makes me thirsty haha
By Grabthar's Hammer