OK GO interactive HTML5 vid

Started by Darren Dirt, August 06, 2011, 12:40:01 PM

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Darren Dirt

HTML5 ftw yet again.

This time the always-brilliant OKGO boys teamed up with some amazing dance troupe. "All Is Not Lost" is the song.

Don't just watch the Youtube video, instead open Chrome and hit F11 and be prepared to be surprised and amazed.

You can customize a message, here's the one I chose:


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

I saw it a few days ago. Honestly? I thought it was pretentious bull@%&#...
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

I can see your point. The first 45 seconds made me feel uncomfortable, and not in a good (Tim+Eric, much of Adult Swim, etc.) way either. But by the end I was impressed with how the simple form of the human body can express so many different things in so many different ways, especially when combined with others + split screens etc.

Dance in general is very subjective, no question -- heck, I watched the second-to-none "Team Tempest" freerunning guys' appearance on Conan, it was technically amazing but not nearly as "artistic" as some of their TV/film appearances. Many of the other videos on Tempest's channel really got my blood pumping though, and made me grin ear to ear, in the way the creative methods of self-expression those young people are able to do.


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


HTML 5? Try Chrome only demo.

It has been coded to only support one browser... Which is funny because the Microsoft and Mozilla HTML 5 demos tend to mostly work in the other browsers.

Mr. Analog

Ouch, yeah, just noticed that. Chrome only. Double nasty.

For the record I actually enjoy dance quite a bit but this just seemed... artificial, kinda like the way "indie" films are described here: http://hrwiki.org/wiki/independent

By Grabthar's Hammer