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Gmail's new look

Started by Darren Dirt, July 07, 2011, 11:26:06 AM

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Darren Dirt

some tech analyst's theory about Google+...
"it isn't about social networking at all -- it's about moving users to an entirely cloud-based computing model"


in other news, Microsoft continues to not invent its own stuff, but now is striving to "play nice" with other services

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

So, now that G+ has had some time to sink in... I don't use it and I still go to Facebook. Why? Everyone's still on FB

I doubt this is likely to change unless G+ offers something that FB lacks, otherwise with two equally featured apps I'll pick the one that others use (sort of a key feature for social networking). I'm willing to say that it's too early to say for sure that G+ is a failed venture but at this point it seems very much like Euro Disney (open for business but nobody showed up)
By Grabthar's Hammer


Well they went public last week and saw a 1% over all market share increase apparently... Also I started using it for photo hosting and its interface for that is better than Facebook in some ways.

Also the Games are starting to be ported... Some addicts may switch because Facebook has a habit of breaking games with their changes and I know some users that like the games but hate the constant breaking.

Time will tell. I agree at the moment almost no one in my circles is posting to G+