Kirk vs Picard (read the rules in the first post)

Started by Lazybones, October 21, 2012, 05:49:13 PM

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This came up in another thread and thought it might be fun, if done the right way.

So here are the rules.

1. This isn't a debate it is an archive of evidence for or against how awesome one or the other is no winner will be declared. You need state a fact and sight a source (only TV episodes / movies accepted).
- Even better link to a clip if available but don't just link to a clip since they may get removed over time.
2. No chat in this thread, take it to another thread, each post should be something that highlights a strength or a weakness of the character.
3. If a source of evidence it self is a response to that of the other character showing strength or weakness vs that character, you may quote the evidence so they appear together.

Hopefully we end up with an interesting thread.


Kirk has compassion and can come to understand that he is wrong even in the heat of battle: (watch the whole clip)
Prayin' for a 20!

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compile successful



Picard knows how to fly both the enterprise and shuttle pods by him self, as well as several other crew positions on the ship.

Season 1 ep 15 "11001001"  Picard flys the enterprise home. (apparently Riker doesn't know how)

Booby Trap (Star Trek: The Next Generation) If it could kill everyone on board, Picard does it him self


Kirk knows how to fight in more than 2 dimensions Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (although it does look like Spock gives him the idea)


Picard outsmarts a team of terrorists however looses a fight to a girl

The Next Generation - Starship Mine


Kirk fights hand to hand all the time.

Kirk vs Andorian

Kirk vs Cowboy?

Star Trek - Kirk vs. Khan (takes out a man with x5 his strength)



"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Lazybones on October 21, 2012, 08:00:22 PM
Kirk knows how to fight in more than 2 dimensions Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (although it does look like Spock gives him the idea)

*AND* (same film) he knows to arrange with his crew *in advance* a way of feigning weakness to the enemy by a simple "one decimal place" trick!

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Picard doesn't need verbal signals to signal his crew.

Star Trek STNG Allegiance