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soccer in the snow

Started by Thorin, March 27, 2013, 12:27:58 PM

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So this week there was a game played between Costa Rica and Team USA, played at Commerce City, Colorado, in the US.  The venue was originally picked because of the altitude, with Team USA obviously thinking that the Costa Ricans are used to living closer to sea level.

However, it started snowing and was just below zero (-2C?) before the match started.  So they played in the snow, keeping the lines uncovered (since soccer has a rule that if you can't see the lines you can't play).  Team USA scored pretty early, and managed to hold onto the 1-0 lead to the end of the game.

Now Costa Rica has lodged a formal request to re-play the game because of the terrible weather conditions.  FIFA has responded that since the team did not request the game be delayed for weather during the game but instead lodged the formal request after the final outcome was known, the game will not be re-played.  Good on you, FIFA!

Also, soccer in the snow is hilarious with everyone sliding and slipping and all that.

Interesting reads about this game:
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful