Untitled Michael J. Fox Project TV sitcom

Started by Darren Dirt, March 28, 2013, 02:51:11 PM

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Darren Dirt

picked up for 22 episodes by NBC, sight unseen!

"Sure, they have no idea what this show will look or be like but they're doing so poorly that it won't make too much of a difference if it flops."  ;D

"The show will be a family comedy in which Fox plays a father of three trying to handle the demands of his family, career, and illness." (lulz guaranteed!)

I guess due to the hefty pre-order, it is technically impossible for it to be a member of An Elite Club ... a club of which you really don't want to be a member.

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Mr. Analog on March 28, 2013, 03:00:50 PM
Family Ties: The Next Generation!

Hey, don't knock it, the Edmonton boy still has some great comedy timing even though there's plenty of ... frequency issues in his body. Have you seen the Curb episode with him? (hint: there's one physical gag that involves Larry David getting wet by opening a can of soda that The Sly Mr. Fox had previously been holding)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

...no and on paper (internet) that sounds horrible! lol
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Mr. Analog on March 28, 2013, 03:22:51 PM
...no and on paper (internet) that sounds horrible! lol

The best part is when Fox denies to Larry's FACE that he did it intentionally
(i.e. the pop can exploded... BECAUSE OF PARKINSONS)


now you can't plead ignorance. (but you can remain blissfully so if you wish)

STROMBO recognizes Fox has a healthy sense of humour about what could be just uncomfortable; he called the Curb stuff "unbelievable" -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HzvWpTYGVI

Strive for progress. Not perfection.