Black Friday [fake] deals

Started by Mr. Analog, November 23, 2015, 03:52:41 PM

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Mr. Analog

"I added some fake Black Friday deals to this store's weekly in-store flyer"
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

The vibe I got, my guess is the artist is a Tim & Eric fan!

My fave is the "fanny pick filled with pudding". Which might be why T&E came to mind.


PS: it's now in the collection of "actual" funny pictures @

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on November 23, 2015, 05:03:36 PM
I mean its no Dad Land but that was utter genius

You can find me in Nap Valley

People trying to enter the park that don't have children will be made to clean constantly, feed guests completely different meals continually, read the same book to every patron multiple times a day every day, change the diapers for V.I.P. Guests; all on no more than one and half hours sleep.
"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"

Darren Dirt

That pamphlet has so many true-to-life details.

"PUN PALACE" even. I would totally go there! (Heck, I could probably assistant-manage it!)

btw -- -- you gotta wonder if "Keith" is a real neighbor, and if so is he pissed off? or flattered?  ;D

Strive for progress. Not perfection.