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Started by LennyLen, March 17, 2014, 09:41:49 AM

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LenCorp Industries invites all interested parties to join in the  creation of a joint venture currently codenamed LEMMI (LennyLen's Ethical Mesa Mining Initiative).

The purpose of this venture is to allow mining of the Mesa region in a way that does not impact on the landscape of this rare and beautiful area. LenCorp Industries has been undertaking a sizable excavation project deep within the mesa that aims to mine without impacting the landscape by hollowing out the mesa from the inside, leaving a shell that from the outside appears exactly as it did before the mining commenced.

LenCorp Industries has also successfully completed a project to undo existing damage to the mesa by replacing clay that had been mined in previous ventures.

To celebrate the inauguration of this venture, LenCorp indutries has gifted the community with a large chest (which can be found behind the enchantment building) full of hardened clay and stained white clay, the two types that have been predominantly mined so far.  When sufficient levels of other stained clays have been mined, these too will be shared with the community in the spirit of cooperation that LenCorp Industries hopes the LEMMI venture will help to instill.



What LEMMI is not:

  • LEMMI is not an attempt to stifle mining of the mesa.   LenCorp Industries believes that the mining of resources by all inhabitants of Usamot2 is a right, not a privilege.
  • LEMMI is not a proposal for regulation of building projects in the mesa.  LenCorp Industries believes that construction is a vital part of a thriving community, and will be happy to assist with any other parties in their construction projects within the mesa.


Thor Industries congratulates LenCorp on this exciting and morally-just endeavour to protect the beautiful landscape of the mesa.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

*meanwhile Analog Industries is dumping drums of metallic sodium into a lake to watch it go boom*
By Grabthar's Hammer


Makes me wonder what is going on around my little messa camp at the end of the road.

I was stripping the surface but trying to keep it even.