Firefox 32.0.3 to 33 Upgrade

Started by Mr. Analog, October 15, 2014, 02:19:07 PM

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Mr. Analog

If Firefox starts bugging you to update, do it, there's something that will keep your Firefox crashing until you do, what it is I don't know. It seems like a memory leak or something from the behaviour I was seeing today but it was continual and annoying
By Grabthar's Hammer


Sadly Firefox just hasn't been a viable option for me in a long time :( it feels a lot slower, the entire ff session likes to likes to lock up for unknown reasons and crashing :(

At least chrome has been faster and doesn't often lock up entirely, though I've been seeing more tab and whole chrome crashes lately.

They both need to fix their @%&#.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Tom on October 15, 2014, 08:39:25 PM
Sadly Firefox just hasn't been a viable option for me in a long time :( it feels a lot slower, the entire ff session likes to likes to lock up for unknown reasons and crashing :(

At least chrome has been faster and doesn't often lock up entirely, though I've been seeing more tab and whole chrome crashes lately.

They both need to fix their @%&#.

I've found Firefox has been really good lately while Chrome keeps digging the hole. This is across both Windows 7 and 8.

I think I need to do a fresh install of Chrome on at least one of my boxes because now it can't even load it's own new tabs page without hanging.

Somebody needs to build a better browser!
By Grabthar's Hammer


Firefox is just too laggy and hangy for me to use. At least with chrome it hasn't gotten quite so annoying.

The funny thing is that Firefox and Chrome /are/ the better browsers we seek. Any browser that comes out is likely to succumb to the same fate.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


This is true, they start out clean and then the die over time.

However sometimes all it takes is to wipe your personal profile settings for the browser.

I know over time I apply a lot of tweaks and some of those become issues in later versions.

Firefox hasn't given me any serious issues in a long time.


I wouldn't call the issues I've had with firefox "serious" as such. but more annoying than I can deal with after having used chrome for years. I tried going back. I couldn't stand it. Fresh install and profile of firefox, and it was dog slow compared to chrome, it lagged out a lot when loading in other tabs, and a tab having issues would lock up the entire browser, all tabs, all windows.

That is not something I can deal well with anymore.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Darren Dirt

As a developer, lately doing some pretty fun/crazy web stuff, I have to give mad props to FF. Chrome is good too of course, lots of extra tools that I might eventually watch a video or three to understand enough to take advantage of... but something about how FF works for JS debugging console etc seems cleaner or faster or more intuitive to me or something. Speed-wise I find them comparable, after initial launch, and as long as u don't have 30 tabs of dynamic or AJAX-heavy content ;)

But building a huge complex bookmarklet I bounced between Chrome and FF and stayed more In Da Zone once I stuck with just FF. Maybe just me tho.


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Yep, tools like FireBug really make developing script for Firefox a lot of fun and less painful.

And as much as I hate it's bloated guts Visual Studio 2012/13 has a lot of debugging features that are fairly nifty too.
By Grabthar's Hammer