Dell XPS 13 (2015)

Started by Mr. Analog, May 01, 2015, 10:03:02 AM

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Mr. Analog

So I bought a new ultrabook last night, the 2015 (New) Dell XPS 13

It's an amazingly powerful ultrabook, great keyboard, great screen, tons of power.

I've had a tablet for just over 5 years and it's starting to have issues and while looking for a more powerful replacement that could potentially double as a development platform AND fill the gap of having a lightweight portable with high-end capabilities I can travel with... well this fit perfectly for me. Luckily for me one of my co-workers has one and brought it into the office yesterday, the only thing holding me back from buying it before was that I wanted a hands on to see what the screen was like and how good the keyboard was (was also thinking of a Surface Pro 3 but the keyboard is very flimsy on it) anyway, I was really impressed with it in my hands, so it was more or less a done deal by the time I got home. :)

Oddly enough it was on sale when I looked at it after work yesterday so I got $200 off, I ended up buying some accessories to go with it with the "saved" money.

I'm quite excited to get it in my hands now :)
By Grabthar's Hammer


I was tempted, especially since it's also their linux developer box thing. But the price was always a big issue for me. If I'm going to spend $1500+ on a laptop, I'm getting a high end thinkpad kthx.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

You can also get a non touchscreen version which is a lot cheaper
By Grabthar's Hammer


I'm going to run this 15" w530 into the ground, then buy a new laptop ;) I'm going onto my third keyboard soon :o (been dealing with a broken V key for weeks now... just haven't bothered to call them, a usb issue i have to look into again too, occasionally plugging in a usb device will cause my mouse to stop responding :o).

This thing is 2+ years old now, and still quite strong :D I specced it to last me 4+ years :)
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


The non-touchscreen version also has lower processors...

Nice laptop, I'm sure it's quite light, Apple-priced, though.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

My new compooter comes today

I am excite
By Grabthar's Hammer


I remember something happening the day/evening you got your computer, I've totally forgotten what it was now :o
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Tom on May 19, 2015, 11:20:58 AM
I remember something happening the day/evening you got your computer, I've totally forgotten what it was now :o

Well, it's coming today, I confirmed with Purolator, or did you mean a different computer?
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on May 19, 2015, 11:31:29 AM
Quote from: Tom on May 19, 2015, 11:20:58 AM
I remember something happening the day/evening you got your computer, I've totally forgotten what it was now :o

Well, it's coming today, I confirmed with Purolator, or did you mean a different computer?
No, I remember another thread where we were talking about doing something, but that your computer was comming that day, so it may/not happen... Can't remember at all what that was now. lol.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Tom on May 19, 2015, 11:38:51 AM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on May 19, 2015, 11:31:29 AM
Quote from: Tom on May 19, 2015, 11:20:58 AM
I remember something happening the day/evening you got your computer, I've totally forgotten what it was now :o

Well, it's coming today, I confirmed with Purolator, or did you mean a different computer?
No, I remember another thread where we were talking about doing something, but that your computer was comming that day, so it may/not happen... Can't remember at all what that was now. lol.


Okay, I was going to go to a company dinner with the CEO but the package was supposed to be delivered that day (after they had dropped it off when I was in the office. I had called them back and asked them to attempt delivery the NEXT day and they said they had arranged it but it didn't go through so I called them again the night it was supposed to come and this time got a confirmation number and it came the next day). The worst part was that it was all the ACCESSORIES not the actual laptop.

By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on May 19, 2015, 11:45:52 AM
Quote from: Tom on May 19, 2015, 11:38:51 AM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on May 19, 2015, 11:31:29 AM
Quote from: Tom on May 19, 2015, 11:20:58 AM
I remember something happening the day/evening you got your computer, I've totally forgotten what it was now :o

Well, it's coming today, I confirmed with Purolator, or did you mean a different computer?
No, I remember another thread where we were talking about doing something, but that your computer was comming that day, so it may/not happen... Can't remember at all what that was now. lol.


Okay, I was going to go to a company dinner with the CEO but the package was supposed to be delivered that day (after they had dropped it off when I was in the office. I had called them back and asked them to attempt delivery the NEXT day and they said they had arranged it but it didn't go through so I called them again the night it was supposed to come and this time got a confirmation number and it came the next day). The worst part was that it was all the ACCESSORIES not the actual laptop.

<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


Man, Purolator hates you, hey?
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog


Anyway I just got my new machine WOOOH
By Grabthar's Hammer


Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!