Right2Game Campaign

Started by Melbosa, December 14, 2015, 04:01:36 PM

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Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

What the

They want to raise gaming awareness? Really? (also I can see why they used Indiegogo, on Kickstarter you actually have to at least produce something)
By Grabthar's Hammer


Interesting list of celebs though eh?
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

Yeah, that's what makes it extra strange I guess
By Grabthar's Hammer


It just doesn't pass the sniff test for me. I'll wait a while before thinking much of this.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


Has anyone heard of Twin Galaxies before?  I mean, they claim they've been around since 1981 and that they record world records (scores?  time spent playing?) for video games.  I've never, ever, ever heard of them before.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Twin Galaxies started legit but the founder left it be in 2010 and since has changed hands a few times


There have been a few movies about them, one I posted a while back: http://forums.righteouswrath.com/index.php/topic,6484.msg41638.html#msg41638


TO ME this seems like they are trying to crowdfund an eSports business around a semi-well known name in a really roundabout way
By Grabthar's Hammer


Or at least pay for some live stream hardware. Lol
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Tom on December 14, 2015, 09:42:52 PM
Or at least pay for some live stream hardware. Lol


Well yeah, and sponsored events to entice people to watch your casts. Good luck horning in on that action (it's densely packed with people who've been casting for 5+ years and know their @%&#)

My guess is that they want to be an eSports sponsor / caster? Maybe??

It's all so nebulous...

Kinda like the whole Dragons Lair movie thing, they aren't making a movie with the $250,000 they raised, they are making pitch material to try and get funding from Hollywood to make a movie. The best part is that if you donate under $35 you don't even get to see the 3 minutes of animation they are producing for the pitch

There's a song that covers this:
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Mr. Analog on December 14, 2015, 09:30:28 PM
Twin Galaxies started legit but the founder left it be in 2010 and since has changed hands a few times


There have been a few movies about them, one I posted a while back: http://forums.righteouswrath.com/index.php/topic,6484.msg41638.html#msg41638


TO ME this seems like they are trying to crowdfund an eSports business around a semi-well known name in a really roundabout way

The "brand" for those who recognize it has some credibility in the gaming world.

But if it's now different ownership then it's certainly possible that it no longer is all about the same simple goals, and so this kind of KickstarterGoFundMeIndieGoGo might actually make "sense" based on their current business model or whatever.

That's probably why the brand got bought by someone -- so they can exploit the name even if in a different direction than the original founding vision etc.

Oh, and btw...
raised in 20 hours
...I guess the nudity of the emperor is recognized by most others.  ;D

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Speaking of fools and their money.. I've contributed to a bunch of Kickstarter and Indiegogo's... I think only a few have actually delivered, but ALL of them are still active, and a few are actually about to deliver as they are finally into production stage. Turns out a lot of people on KS have NO idea what the time lines are really like when you're working on electronic gadgets and you aren't samsung. lol. Especially when you're doing something a bit novel thats completely untested. Good thing I got into KS knowing that these things would potentially not deliver, or I'd be upset ;D
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Mr. Analog on December 14, 2015, 09:50:17 PM
My guess is that they want to be an eSports sponsor / caster? Maybe??

It's all so nebulous...

Actually it's a simple goal. From what I understand from the campaign page, on behalf of gamers and gaming, they are just trying to discover a little something to make life sweeter.

Always, the non-gaming world keeps breaking their hearts. And they are tired of it -- they have been blue for a long time, practically forever.

And they see no reason why they should have to work so hard -- they are simply seeking love and peace, and don't want to be told no anymore.

All they want is a little respect.

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


I think you're taking them at their word, and we just can't :P
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Y'know I never thought about it but let me go back and look through stuff I backed!

  • Mighty No. 9 (2013): Nearly completed, way over time budget, waiting on localization but there is a playable demo. I got some of my perks already. Estimated delivery Apr 2015 (missed that one)
  • Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (2013): Beta testing, very slick, delivering as promised. Yet to have gotten my perks (submitted artwork tho). Estimated delivery Oct 2014 (missed that one)
  • Dead Meat (by Maxwell Atoms) (2013): Production is going slowly but steadily, he got a job shortly after achieving his kickstarter. Post apocalyptic puppets! Estimated delivery Jan 2014 (missed that one)
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Koji Igarashi) (2015): Seems to be moving along nicely. Estimated delivery Mar 2017
  • We Happy Few (2015): Pre-alpha is great so far, and they stay in touch frequently. Estimated delivery Jul 2015 (for pre-alpha yes)
  • Bring Back MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 (2015): Estimated delivery Feb 2017

2014 I held off funding anything because Mighty No. 9 became a big tangled mess from a community perspective and other projects had slowed down to a halt, so I was a little wary of funding anything else until I started seeing results. Modern kickstarters come to the table with stuff for you up front because they know funding is a bit of a crapshoot. Apparently I'll be getting classic MST3K digital downloads sooner than later and being able to play alphas/betas of games and give feedback is really nice.

I kinda feel bad for Maxwell Atoms, he got his dream off the ground at a time when things were low for him (he's behind some legendary cartoons at Cartoon Network but didn't really reap any rewards) and he started this project when things looked the most grim for him, then I think he got a new gig because of it (though there's no info on what that was) and that kind of took over. He's been continuing progress but as of this year he got @%&#ed over by the company making puppets for him, they just stopped communicating for reasons unknown... so the community reached out to him and started helping out (which is great) but production is severely backed up.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Here's my crazy list: (since about 2012ish)

1. Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, no idea on the eta or if it was on time. i did get the perks though. they are still working on the museum.
2. Monster RPG2 - no perks, game was finished to begin with, it was to release it for free and Open source.
3. The Plops - THE WEIRDEST NAME FOR A DEVICE EVER. 7mm SATA->USB enclosure. Stupid fast. They shipped on time and work GREAT.

1. IT Barrier Tape (by Bill Barnes) - Estimated June 2012, no idea when it actually shipped, but it was probably on time
2. Parallella dev/demo board - Estimated May 2013, 97% shipped by May 2014
3. StarTrek TNG Enterprise Bridge / SciFi Museum - Estimated Jan 2013, last bits shipped by Dec 2013
4. Megatokyo Visual Novel Game - Estimated Feb 2014, Still waiting, probably be many months before physical rewards, let alone the finished game... This is Fred we're talking about. lol
5. The Peachy Printer / $100 3d printer - Estimated Oct 2014, still a ways to go, but still active
6. Smart Power Strip - Estimated April 2014, still waiting
7. uCurrent Gold - Estimated Mar 2014, Started shipping out more or less on time, took a while for all to go out.
8. imitone - Estimated Jul 2014, still waiting for some things, like linux support. but its software and there were versions available on time iirc.
9. Kittyo - Estimated Nov 2014, finally entered manufacturing in Oct. May actually ship soon. Probably not till next year at this rate.
10. ReadingRainbow - Estimated Dec 2014, things were a bit late. they had issues with volume and man power. my book showed up unsigned, and they didn't reply to me about it :( oh well.
11. McThings - Estimated Dec 2014, production on full blast as of a few days ago.
12. Exploding Kittens - Estimated July 2015, on time.
13. Onion Omega - Estimated Aug 2015, started shipping in Sept 2015, some delays with specific parts due to changes or supplier shortages.
14. Dash 4.0 Wallet - Estimated Nov 2015, on time I think.

I held back on funding things for a good year or so cause of similar reasons AND another year cause NO MONEY. I basically expect to get ripped off a little via crowd funding. But so far nothing has outright died. Every single project has either shipped or is still sorta active.

Well, except that printer thing. It is active, but they have an issue with perfectionism and giving excuses. I guess I don't mind waiting at this point, but I'm not really going to hold my breath.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!