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Started by Lazybones, May 01, 2016, 06:45:52 PM

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For scale, the Titanosaur (not my images)


Ark is currently less than $20 on the steam summer sale for those that don't already have it.


This bronto spawned on / in our green house.. or should I say former green house.

Mr. Analog


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By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

ARK sure pulls down a lot of updates!
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on July 04, 2016, 01:35:18 PM
ARK sure pulls down a lot of updates!

ARK is still early release and under HEAVY development. StarCitizen gets similar amounts of updates every month, at least in the early test groups.

Ark is adding events and significant content every month.

Mr. Analog

That's cool to see. A game dev that actually rolls out frequent updates! Very cool
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on July 04, 2016, 02:36:18 PM
That's cool to see. A game dev that actually rolls out frequent updates! Very cool

When looking at Ark vs Rust this was one of the biggest things I noticed..

As per the thread below they announced two new official game modes that will be added as free DLC coming at the end of the month.

Current and future official patch notes / schedule

Mr. Analog

RUST is far more simplistic so I'm not surprised, that said they were pushing a lot of updates as well mostly physics / balance changes, as not many people were into it I uninstalled it to get back some drive space for Dank Souls III
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on July 04, 2016, 02:57:54 PM
RUST is far more simplistic so I'm not surprised, that said they were pushing a lot of updates as well mostly physics / balance changes, as not many people were into it I uninstalled it to get back some drive space for Dank Souls III

Well ARK interest has also been so so.. Mags was playing hardcore and I was on frequently with Melbosa also playing on and off.. My bro just joined our server so I have been back on a little more but for the most part it has been rare for more than two people to be on the server at once.

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Lazybones on July 04, 2016, 03:05:39 PM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on July 04, 2016, 02:57:54 PM
RUST is far more simplistic so I'm not surprised, that said they were pushing a lot of updates as well mostly physics / balance changes, as not many people were into it I uninstalled it to get back some drive space for Dank Souls III

Well ARK interest has also been so so.. Mags was playing hardcore and I was on frequently with Melbosa also playing on and off.. My bro just joined our server so I have been back on a little more but for the most part it has been rare for more than two people to be on the server at once.

I still want to check it out, I'm actually still fiddling around with ShadowPlay and OBS (still not sure which one is better, OBS gives me more control over volume but ShadowPlay drops less frames when recording)

I want to complete my playthrough of Far Harbor and then get into it, maybe even at Fraga (lol)
By Grabthar's Hammer


Started work on a water pen last night, tamed a     Ichthyosaurus (dolphin) and a low level Megalodon (shark) that happened to be hanging out in the area.

The pen is not yet complete, placing pillars underwater is very hard.. The pen is not designed to keep small fish or piranha out as most mounts can deal with those.. The pillars (when complete) should keep out mountable dinos.

Need to build some beach walls / spikes to keep the larger carnos from walking in and eating them as well.


A titan has wondered rather close to our base.

don't piss him off...

I hope he doesn't step on anything.

I have not set the optional tame option for them so don't try taming it, it would take several of us anyway.


Found some lost / glitched dinos... I have made some smaller pens within the now single large pen to help manage dinos.

It was getting too cramped for the super size ones and the small ones where all over the place.

Also for those that haven't been on the server in a while, remember that although the dino hunger timer feezes when no players are near it catches up as soon as they are... Since we have active players on the server that can mean dinos starve if someone flys over..

I have tried to keep remote dinos fed or consolidated them at the community pen. Remember to bring berries with you to the volcano as there are two up there at the moment.


There is now an industrial grill in the pen if you have many stacks of meat you want to cook.

1 gas is all that should be needed to cook all of the stacks.

Do not use it for small amounts of cooking (still use the camp fires), also 1 gas is consumed as soon as you start it, so don't put more than one in or stop / start it once it is going. There is some gas crafted in the nearby storage.