Quake Champions going Free To Play (but sadly Pay To Win)

Started by Mr. Analog, March 14, 2017, 08:27:55 AM

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Mr. Analog

Bethesda resurrected Doom last year with much success, so how are they treating much beloved shooter Quake?

Well the good news is that it will be free to play, the bad news is that unlike traditional Quake it will be a class based shooter, the worse news is that it sounds like it will be pay to win:

Quote"Once the game releases, both free players and paid players will have access to the same maps and compete in the same brackets, with the difference being that winning matches will most definitely be easier when playing with paid Champions."
Source: https://zerolives.com/article/37HK4aSg/bethesda-quake-champions-will-be-a-free-to-play-shooter-game

If you want to kill the competitive scene before it starts this is how you do it.
By Grabthar's Hammer