TD Canada Trust Deposit Issue

Started by Melbosa, June 16, 2023, 04:27:21 PM

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This is affecting me directly, I haven't gotten my paycheck yet today. My mortgage is due today and usually comes out of my account after 5:00 PM. I have messaged my mortgage company to expect a possible insufficient funds issue as my overdraft won't cover my mortgage...

Fun times!!!
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


TD have already said they will reimburse any fees incurred due to this problem.  ATB had a similar problem a couple of years ago and ended up paying hundreds of thousands of fees to other banks on customers' behalf.

Hopefully it gets sorted out in time so that you don't have to deal with getting fees reimbursed.
Prayin' for a 20!

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compile successful