Transformers... and stuff

Started by Lazybones, March 03, 2005, 10:56:57 PM

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Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


Mr. Analog

Quote from: Lazybones on October 01, 2006, 06:11:18 PM
Pics of what Prime will look like?

That mostly correlates with what I've seen posted on other fan forums.
By Grabthar's Hammer




Bah, not at all what I remember them being like.  If that's what they look like, I'll probably not enjoy the movie all that much.  Megatron looked mega-yuck.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Exactly, don't they know that fans only like G1 stuff? I mean I don't give a rats ass about n00bs likeing Transformers, give me the classics or give me nothing at all!
By Grabthar's Hammer


I look at these and all I can think of is Super Mario Bros. the movie. WHOAHHH XTREEM where no WHOAHHH XTREEM is needed.

Sure the designs are sleek and alien-looking but that's not what appeals to me. Blocky designs that really look like they easily turn into big blocky or angluar vehicles is what catches my eye. Plus with the Megatron design he kind of looks like a bug now. Not much face to speak of on that design. I have the creeping suspicion as well that if Megatron's other form is gun or cannon-like it'll be wang-shaped. If they ever made a figure of him they'd have to release a 125 page manual on how to transform him into anything too.


New trailer on line, shows some quick flashes of robots.

Warning uses some form of java player that goes full screen, however the quality is rather good.


Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


More strange Transformers merchandaise to be seen:

Optimus (Convoy) iPod dock & Speakers

Soundwave SD card MP3 player

X-Formers transforming Nike shoes (of note the transforming shoes are 6" long)

I chuckled at these and figured I'd post 'em. :D


Quote from: Lazybones on January 14, 2007, 07:56:37 PM
More character images, and new toys

DAMN the toys look like CRAP!

I didn't mind some of them.  Ironhide in particular looked well done.  Most of the ones shown were the action figure sized models, the kind where a kid can collect and play with all of them.  By there nature they have to be somewhat simplified for durability and to keep the costs down.  I'm sure there will be more detailed, larger, more expensive versions for older kids and collectors.  I guess we'll see for sure in a few months time.


Well it looks like Yahoo has an exclusive full-length trailer up. Check the article for direct links to the trailer.

+ one of the transformers is kind of a rustbucket
+ chopper transformation sequence
+ you can tell at least some of the robots apart in this trailer

- gawky, useless, and dorky teenage couple. Absoloutely unwanted.
- cliche "zomg!!!1" from the U.S. president moment
- overly topical scenes

? So, the Transformers can't speak or what?

I'm not sure how the full film will pan out, but I'm defenitely registering my disgust for the trailer with the internet.


Quote from: Tonnica on May 18, 2007, 09:36:37 AM
? So, the Transformers can't speak or what?

I'm not sure how the full film will pan out, but I'm defenitely registering my disgust for the trailer with the internet.

So you missed the trailer where Prime Speaks and has lips (IE no face shield)?