Apple to use intel? or maybe IBM still.

Started by Shayne, June 03, 2005, 10:38:30 PM

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 So monday is a huge day in computer land.  From what i can tell, 2 massive annoucements are to come.

#1.  Intel and Apple will become partners in 2006/2007

#2.  IBM to provide Apple with duel core chips in the interm

...would i use OSX on an x86 chip?  Perhaps, as long as the software support was still there.  You can be sure that in a way this will be a negative for the software and PC industry, a 50/50 OS split, would cause development nightmares, especially if common APIs and such are not shared.

I'd duel boot perhaps.


Quote from: "Shayne"I'd duel boot perhaps.
Although Linux will run on a mac, I am sure windows would not run on an Apple hardware machine for some proprietary reason. Possibly something along the lines of why you can't run windows directly on an XBOX even though it uses an intel chip.


 its official.  Apple on Intel in 2006.


 9:05 am .Mac has gone offline, citing scheduled maintenance between the periods of 10am PST and 12pm PST (coincidentally, the same estimated running time as today's keynote).
9:43 am Doors to hall are open. People beginning to take seats.
9:59 am *music playing*
10:05 am Steve enters the stage
10:06 am Steve: "This is an important day. There are over 3800 WWDC attendees. 400+ Apple Design Award entrees. There are more than 500,000 ADC members."
10:09 am Steve is discussing retail stores. "1 million visitors per week. Retail/Online stores have sold half a billion in products."
10:11 am Apple Stores offer a great buying experience. The iPod is part of pop culture, with a 76% market share in portable music players. End of last quarter 16 million iPods sold.
10:12 am 82 percent iTunes marketshare in the month of May. Podcasting is exploding. "TiVo for Radio." "Wayne's World for radio." Hottest thing going for Radio. Over 8,000 podcasts right now and growing very fast.
10:16 am Apple will build in Podcasting support into iTunes. Easy/quick listing of Podcasts right into iTunes. Subscribe podcasts, download old podcasts. Jobs demos Adam Curry podcast. Artwork in iTunes window changes as you scrub podcasts. Jobs said that new iTunes would take podcasting mainstream.
10:19 am Jobs touts Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. Mac doing very well. PC growth rate is around 10% today . 9 months ago Mac growth rate took off. One billion copies of QuickTime shipped. QuickTime 7 preview available for Windows today.
10:20 am Apple says it will deliver the 2,000,000 copy of Mac OS X Tiger. In under 6 weeks since its released. 400 dashboard widgets available since it is released. Jobs demos a few Dashboard widgets.
10:22 am Next OS X release (10.5) to be called "Leopard" and is coming in 2006 or 2007.
10:25 am Apple is going to Intel chips officially. "We've been through many transistions. 680x0 to PowerPC, Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X. Today we begin a third transition. It's true; We are switching to Intel."
10:27 am Why are we switching to Intel? Intel offers great performance. Intel offers great power consumption. The transition will take a few years, but it will be worth it. We want to be making the best computer for the customer going forward.
10:29 am June 2006 Macs will ship with Intel processors. By 2007, the transition will almost be complete.
10:31 am We face two challenges. The first, is Mac OS X on Intel. We've been maintaining Mac OS X on Intel AND PPC, secretly, for the past 5 years, just in case.
10:32 am This entire last half hour the keynote has been running on an Intel box running Mac OS X.
10:34 am Development machines will be in the hands of developers soon. Video playing explaining how to compile for Intel. Widgets, Scripts, Java, all already work...Cocoa programs need but a small tweak. Carbon programs will take a couple of weeks.
10:36 am We're releasing XCode 2.1. It can compile a Universal Binary (FAT binary). Available to everybody at registration desk following the keynote. Developers applauded Steve when he said that both processors would be supported for a long time to come.
10:38 am Mathematica 5 for Mac OS X was ported to Intel last just two hours. Working version in 20 hours. A couple dozen lines of code had to be changed.
10:46 am While most software is just a recompile away, some will remain PPC-only. For that, there's Rosetta. Binary instruction translation, in real time. Runs PowerPC code on Intel-baesd Macs. Transparent to users. Pretty fast. Jobs demos Rosetta used to run PowerPC macs on Intel-based Macs. Jobs shows Microsoft Excel/Word running on Intel-based Mac (without any porting and/or recompiling). Jobs also shows Photoshop CS2 with all plugins that are translated and run on Intel-based Mac without significant speed decrease.
10:48 am A developer transition kit is being released. Just for developers. It's a 3.64 GHz Pentium 4 in a Power Mac enclosure. Select and Premier members only, for $999 (rental). Order today; available in two weeks.
10:52 am Launch of Microsoft Office 2004 was best product launch for Mac OS X. New version of Messenger due for Macs in the next few months. Additionally, a new update for Exchange users. MacBU commits to delivering a "Universal Binary" for Microsoft Office. Jobs also invites Bruce Chizen of Adobe on stage to talk about Intel-based Mac transition. Adobe says it is committed bringing its applications to Intel-based Macs.
10:55 am Steve: "In the cultural sense, Intel is a lot like Apple..." Intel is passionate about their products. Intel CEO Paul Otellini invited on stage to talk about Apple's transition.
11:00 am Intel has released a press statement and surprisingly enough, so has Apple! Steve will be on CNBC at 2:30PM EST for an interview.
11:05 am Keynote ends.


  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

The question now is, will this new Intel version of OS X work on non-Apple built hardware.

Also where does this leave AMD.. I am sure that OS X for Intel  is NOT OS X for x86 and instead is built only to run on Intel hardware.


 from what ive read, and seen, and knowing apple,and how things are in his keynote.  Im guessing this is NO NEWS.  Basically they computers stay the same, just run Intel CPUs and Intel boards.

Sure they are x86, but who knows what Intel could put in the northbridge. near proof of this is the need to rent a development mac in a powerpc case to test your newly compiled OSX-Intel code.  Where as if you didnt you could just buy a $500 dell and they would ship you the new OSX disk.

...even then, i would bet serious cash that a small tweak to the OS allows it to run on any Dell.


Quote from: "Shayne"from what ive read, and seen, and knowing apple,and how things are in his keynote.  Im guessing this is NO NEWS.  Basically they computers stay the same, just run Intel CPUs and Intel boards.

Sure they are x86, but who knows what Intel could put in the northbridge. near proof of this is the need to rent a development mac in a powerpc case to test your newly compiled OSX-Intel code.  Where as if you didnt you could just buy a $500 dell and they would ship you the new OSX disk.

...even then, i would bet serious cash that a small tweak to the OS allows it to run on any Dell.
Such a tweak will probably depend on at what level lock-in occurse.. There is already a growing comunity of Apple OSX hackers out there because of its unix like roots.


 Two very large questions in my mind still need to be answered.  The first (which may answer the second) - WHICH Intel chip are they porting to?  X86 would be nice for various obvious reasons, but I haven't seen any evidence yet to rule out IA-64 (and the price of the average Mac goes for would still make a profit on IA-64 chips).  Intel may be using this to finally try and shove IA64 into the desktop space.

Other question (assuming it is X86) - will it run on any X86 hardware, or only Apple-manufactured systems.  I wouldn't put it past them to have some type of security key embedded on the MB on the PCI or USB bus to keep the clone market away from their OS.

All said though, if I could dual-boot to OS-X and play with it, I probably would.

Darren Dirt

Some of you must have found some details re. the above -- since Happy Man Steve last week announced the retail availability 6 months earlier than what Apple had been telling consumers :)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


1. The systems do not use a BIOS they use the new EFI system so there is currently no way to boot Windows XP or less on Apple x86 hardware. There is however a Contest with a cash prize for the first person to get it to work.

2. Supposedly you can however get OSX for x86 to work on non-Apple hardware with some patches and if you have compatible hardware. Even AMD64 CPUs will work because they have SSE2 and some have SSE3. The tricky part is the network, sound and USB chipsets.