MPAA Raid a load of .....

Started by Lazybones, July 11, 2005, 02:01:13 AM

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QuoteGetting Real

However, in reality the $30 million figure turned out to be pure Hollywood fiction. No "pirate" product was seized and Jennifer Yu, New Century Media's owner, said false allegations have "damaged the business that my husband and I spent 14 years to build."

Yu is now accusing the MPAA of slander, saying she's in the duplicating business, and that's it. No connection to "pirates" on land or at sea. Now, the MPAA "stamped-out" claims notwithstanding, New Century Media is still very much open and doing business.

So how did the cartel-pseudo-cop unit arrive at its "$30 million in illegal stampers and DVDs" figure, widely quoted as hard fact by the mainstream media?

Easy, says the MPAA. All it had to do was estimate the value of the DVDs seized during the raid, "as well as the value of DVDs that could be produced using the equipment."

Jennifer Yu says the $30 million (based on DVDs seized and not any criminal activity) was inflated by 2,000 percent.


 In the gaming and application "releasing" scene, many of the better groups are saying "farewell" due to the increased activity of the FBI, etc.

Mr. Analog

 The MPAA used to be about the "betterment" of the movie making industry, now it's no better than a corrupt labour union...
By Grabthar's Hammer


 Sheesh. Replace stuff like '"pirate" product' with 'thought crime' and MPAA with 'Big Brother' and you've got the feeling like you've been warped back in time to 1984. Hell, MPAA has it's own cadre of enforcers now too...

Quoted further from the article:
QuoteHow can you have "the equivalent" of 421 CD burners, wondered Internet activist Bill Evans. He asked Weiss, and it turned out the raiders had actually seized 156, and not 421, burners.

"We stated that the raid was the equivalent of 421 burners, as we need to put these operations in perspective based on burning capacity and output, not the number of physical slots for the discs," Weiss explained. "Since they burn 4x burners -- it is roughly 4xs the numbers of burners."

I would have hated to see the numbers they baked up if those were 52x burners: "Yeah at uh 156 burners at 52x that's like... THE EQUIVALENT OF A JILLION BURNERS OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!111@1one1".

What gets me is they're fudging the numbers just enough for John Q. Dunnomuch to be able to still accept them as fact rather than something they just made up. Kind of like how they inappropriately aimed the Crazy Frog mascot to attract kids who didn't know better into unwittingly subscribing to their premium ringtone service and have their phone bill skyrocket through a slough of unwanted junk texts. Misdirection of the lowest kind, the believeable kind.

Mr. Analog

 All teh movies on Airstrip One are paid for, which is double-plus good!
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: "Mr. Analog"The MPAA used to be about the "betterment" of the movie making industry, now it's no better than a corrupt labour union...
MPAA = Mafia.
FBI etc. = MPAA's goons.

Strive for progress. Not perfection.