Office 12 screen shots

Started by Lazybones, October 14, 2005, 03:46:58 PM

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Some new screen shots of the new MS office..

Man those tool bars are HUGE. :o

Darren Dirt

/. had an energetic debate going on about that last week... I think took over 30 posts before it got into a Linux vs. Windoze vs. OS X argument  :roll:

Like one of them geeks said, it's gonna either revolutionize office app interfaces, or be the final nail in Microsoft's revenue coffin.

-Dirt. Still using Office97 at home.  :)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Final nail in the coffin?

Those tool bars are massively customizable and dynamic.  Its all tab based as well.  Very nifty.

What im curious to see is how long OpenOffice takes to "copy" this.  OpenOffice is nothing more then a clone, and only now are they getting close to OfficeXP


I don't think it will kill office... There simply isn't anything that can compete with it.

It long ago surpassed word perfect the only other real word processor. Open office is more clunky than Office.. though I admit I haven't tried it recently.

My only consern is the tool bars, they just seem huge, looking at the screen shots note just how much screen space the UI takes up compared to the documents being edited.

We will have to wait and see..

Mr. Analog

What are the benefits to moving to the "new" version? What features are new (screw what things look like).
By Grabthar's Hammer