I'm A Programmer, Not A Computer Guy

Started by Lazybones, January 16, 2006, 01:03:43 AM

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QuoteA gentle warning to young or up-and-coming IT professionals: keep your professional identity a secret! Guard your privacy like a superhero, because before you can say "what do you mean reboot?", you'll be the neighborhood troubleshooter, constantly on call to save the day.

QuoteIt astounds me how few consumers seem to realize that Microsoft is not the only game in town. Moreover, it astounds me that it is, for all practical purposes, impossible to tell most consumers that there is another game. As a sports discussion, it would go something like this:

"Did you watch the Raiders game?"

"No, I don't follow football ------"

"What do you think of the new quarterback?"

"Really, football's not my thing. I don't know."

"I thought that you said that you're a sports fan?"

"No, I said that I watched tennis."

"Right, so what did you think of the penalty called in the Raiders game?"

"I watch tennis."

"Why would they call a penalty like that?"


What is a poor programmer to do? I'd consider taking the time to learn more about the machines if I didn't distrust them so deeply.

Good read... I am a computer guy, but I am getting bitter..  :wink:

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


Im am rather amazed at how few computer people dont watch sports.  I find it hard to talk about the NFL playoffs here..most are like "So, i was on a WoW RAID...."



Quote from: "Shayne"Im am rather amazed at how few computer people dont watch sports.  I find it hard to talk about the NFL playoffs here..most are like "So, i was on a WoW RAID...."

Could also be that they don't like the same sports as you; for instance, if you run across a guy who's all over the NLL and knows all the players' names and stats, but you're only interested in the NFL, you're not going to connect no matter what.  Lacrosse and Football are just too far apart.

For instance, have you tried chatting with Mr. A. about baseball?  Or me about hockey (now that my kids are in, I've found I'm watching every Oilers game and recognize over half the players instantly).

As long as the WoWers don't start bragging about soloing the flesh golems...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

LOL, 'specially when their guildies are watching... ;)
By Grabthar's Hammer


While I do not follow the NLL at all, and couldnt name a team (unless i guessed right), i can talk about most sports rather easily, i keep in touch with most of the leagues, and have a good idea with what is going on (i bet...a lot...so its worth knowing if Goalie A is injured or Clean Up Batter C is back from DL).

Either way, i see your point.  I try to discuss College Football and i get blank stares and the comments like "Who watches college ball??!"


Quote from: "Thorin"Or me about hockey (now that my kids are in, I've found I'm watching every Oilers game and recognize over half the players instantly).

I find that this year I've been reborn as an Edmonton sports fan.  Been so long removed (had such a bitter taste for professional sports since the Jets left Winterpeg), I really never got into the new city's fan wagon.  But through mutual friends, have gotten right back into it.  First was the Football this summer (Bombers fan 1st, Esks 2nd) and now the Oil.  Never miss a game and really enjoy the season, new rules and all.  With the Canadian hockey teams doing so well, and the olympics around the corner, its a great time to be a pro-sports fan again.  Half my office at work are sports fans, and this is primarily the Data and Operational Enterprise support people at the moment, so find there are a lot of sports we can converse over.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


To best illustrate my own knowledge of sports - lets use the example conversation from the original article, but with the way I'd be replying...

"Did you watch the Raiders game?"

"You were raiding in which zone?"

It's kinda odd, since I spend so much time watching movies, but I've never enjoyed watching sports of any type.  The only sports I have any interest at all in are the ones I participate in - skiing, mountain-biking, etc. - and I don't watch any of them on TV.


Quote from: "Cova"The only sports I have any interest at all in are the ones I participate in

This is probably true for most people, if we change "participate in" to "am involved in".  I'm interested in hockey because I'm involved in it by getting my kids dressed for it and watching them play.  Because I watch them play and learn the rules, watching any hockey game is more interesting - I don't have to guess what the rules are or what the penalty was for or what the different hand signals by the refs mean.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful