Underworld: Evolution Movie

Started by Melbosa, January 23, 2006, 03:44:54 PM

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Well I went and saw this one last night.  Now as I search around the net for reviews, I find myself glad I don't really care for reading movie reviews before seeing the films.

I find the majority of reviews are harsh, negative or down right slamming this film.  For what points?  

Well some for saying that it was just a continuation of the first movie, could have been just a 3.5 hour single movie.... hmmm lets think about that for a second, a sequel is a coninuation of the movie before it... what a concept.

No character development! Well duh, the first movie is for that, the second is to tell a story or rap up some of the first if left open.  There is character development I find in this one, but nothing too deep as a lot is covered in the first movie.

Action is great, story isn't! Well I wonder what movie they were watching.  I understood the story, I understood the plot, and I enjoyed the whole thing from beginning to end.

I just don't get what critics want these days.  I am so glad this one never went to critics before showing.  Reason was simply: The first movie was for show, second was for the fans.  Similar to Serenity.  The producers didn't care if this movie made sense without the first one. That wasn't the point.  Its a sequel for the fans.  And it literally starts just where the first left off.  Maybe a minor hour difference in the time lines (from ending of first to beginning of second).

To really sum it up, I enjoyed this as much as the first one, but do recommend you watch the original before going to see this. Will be lost if you don't I think.  Both are worth the time (well unless you absolutely hate vampire/werewolf movies).  And Kate naked is well... a sweat bonus to her adoring (<-- read slobbering) fans.

Collection of reviews: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/underworld_evolution/
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Zapata Prime

I have to agree with you on this one. Saw it Friday night and loved it. Thought it was pretty cool the way it continued just about from the minute the first movie left off.  Also was nice that they didn't screw the story line up like many sequels do!!
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