PS3 controllers batteries not user replacable

Started by Lazybones, October 20, 2006, 01:02:42 PM

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Not sure about Lithium Polymer but I know Lithium Ion only last about 2 years before degrading.

I guess this isn't much different than the iPod battery problems.

Note they don't mention if the replacement service will have a fee.

Mr. Analog

I'm sure there will be 3rd party controllers available, still kinda dumb if you ask me, but hey IT'S A SONY...  :barf:
By Grabthar's Hammer


Sony confirmed that they will replace the controller free.


Quote from: Shayne on October 20, 2006, 01:20:59 PM
Sony confirmed that they will replace the controller free.

One article said it was going to be free, but it wasn't a quote from Sony, unless you know of a quote?


QuoteSony feels for you starving gamers, so even though the party line is that "it'll be many years before there's any degradation in terms of battery performance," a spokesperson confirmed to that "we will be providing a service to exchange these items."

I guess it doesn't say free.  Probably a discount on the next one?  Who knows, the rss title was "SIXAXIS batteries not swappable, but Sony will replace controllers for free", i didnt really read it.


Quote from: Shayne on October 20, 2006, 03:04:16 PM
QuoteSony feels for you starving gamers, so even though the party line is that "it'll be many years before there's any degradation in terms of battery performance," a spokesperson confirmed to that "we will be providing a service to exchange these items."

I guess it doesn't say free.  Probably a discount on the next one?  Who knows, the rss title was "SIXAXIS batteries not swappable, but Sony will replace controllers for free", i didnt really read it.

Ya, thats why my comment was specific. The writer jumps to the conclusion but his quote does not support it. The Sony response leaves it open to it to be a chargeable service.


Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer are pretty much the same, but the polymer one is 'plasticy' and can be molded into any shape of battery.  The polymer ones still have about a 3-year max lifespan before the lithium oxidises.


Polymer batteries are also highly flamable :) They seem to be very sensitive to overcharging and over draining. Not a very stable battery imo.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


That'd just be icing on the cake, if Sony had to recall their PS3 controllers because they tend to explode in flames...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Reason #47 why i will not be purchasing this Sony POS of a system (don't ask what the other 46 resons are)
I only drink the blood of my enemies, and on occasion a strawberry smoothie.


Wireless headset for the 360's batteries are not replaceable.


Quote from: Shayne on November 05, 2006, 04:31:20 PM
Wireless headset for the 360's batteries are not replaceable.
The need for a wireless headset on the 360 is questionable considering the wired headset connects to the wireless controller anyway.

PA does it again


Ya, Adams pointed that out to me on Friday, regardless, I scored the headset.  Far more comfortable then the current wired version.


The idea of a wireless headset with an already wireless controller is a little FUBAR.

I could see the need with future control devices that might not be so strait forward to plug a head set into. Like the guitar controller for guitar hero... although i cant imagine why you would be chatting with someone while playing GH being a party game and all. Maybe a future FPS mouse type control would make benefit of it?

Batteries aint really a problem with xbox gear IMO, the only time its a problem is when my controller dies after 20 hrs of play, only to pick up my second controller to realize i never did charge it either *smacks head*. No big deal though if you have the play-n-charge kit. Just got to play it old school for a few hrs.

I only drink the blood of my enemies, and on occasion a strawberry smoothie.


Oh ya, the Guitar Hero controller WILL NOT be wireless for the 360.

The key reason why i grabbed the wireless headset is because my black cat feels the need to eat the cord on the wired.  She doesn't eat any other cables in the entire place, but attacks that one (maybe because when i wear it she thinks its a toy?), it just became cheaper to buy the wireless then to replace the wired if i forget to put it away and hide it.

Another reason is that when my bro comes over and we do some online xboxing its nice to have both of us online chatting.