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Unbreakable Linux

Started by Cova, October 27, 2006, 10:47:54 AM

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The newest linux distribution around - Unbreakable Linux.  And its really just the Redhat Enterprise Linux source, downloaded and stripped of its Redhat branding, and distributed by Oracle.  Oracle finally has their own OS - and its nothing more than standard RHEL but cheaper.

Love the way its described though...  "a ruthless and brilliant act of capitalism".

Mr. Analog

Frankly, the thought of Oracle having their own OS is @%&#ing scary.
By Grabthar's Hammer


I saw something about this the other day and was talking to Adams about something similar...MySQL.

MySQL should make its own OS, basically take a good linux (Debian), and strip out everything not needed, just enough to run the database.  After installing you are presented with a mysql login and nothing else.  basically a totally unconfigurable but lean OS.  With Databases requiring so much IO and CPU it would be nice for them to run near OSless.


It'll be interesting to see what Red Hat does to provide value in Red Hat Enterprise Linux to keep people from switching to Oracle Hat Enterprise Linux...  I sure hope the software-should-be-free crowd at Red Hat don't start whining about being undercut by a competitor, though.  After all, this is exactly the market model they wanted for themselves.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


As an Enterprise, would you buy from Red Hat who knows about their OS or Oracle who knows enough to strip out the Red Hat logos :P


Quote from: Shayne on October 27, 2006, 11:50:01 AM
As an Enterprise, would you buy from Red Hat who knows about their OS or Oracle who knows enough to strip out the Red Hat logos :P

As a PHB would your purchase this Linux thing from a shifty guy in a red hat or purchase the Unbreakable Linux from the big Database vendor that provides the costly database you run your business on?

All perspective.


Quote from: Shayne on October 27, 2006, 11:50:01 AM
As an Enterprise, would you buy from Red Hat who knows about their OS or Oracle who knows enough to strip out the Red Hat logos :P

As an Enterprise, you would buy from whoever you currently have as a partner / preferred vendor.  If you are running an Oracle database, and on it you are running Oracle applications (say, PeopleSoft, which Oracle bought a while back), you will want to be running the Oracle OS.

Quote from: Thorin on October 27, 2006, 11:09:40 AM
It'll be interesting to see what Red Hat does to provide value in Red Hat Enterprise Linux to keep people from switching to Oracle Hat Enterprise Linux...  I sure hope the software-should-be-free crowd at Red Hat don't start whining about being undercut by a competitor, though.  After all, this is exactly the market model they wanted for themselves.

Another intesting distribution to mention related to that - CentOS, which I'm playing around with right now.  It is also based on the RHEL source RPMs, and is 100% compatible with RHEL, but is a free community supported distribution.

Quote from: Shayne on October 27, 2006, 10:57:53 AM
I saw something about this the other day and was talking to Adams about something similar...MySQL.

MySQL should make its own OS, basically take a good linux (Debian), and strip out everything not needed, just enough to run the database.  After installing you are presented with a mysql login and nothing else.  basically a totally unconfigurable but lean OS.  With Databases requiring so much IO and CPU it would be nice for them to run near OSless.

So basically, a black-box database appliance.  You can bet Oracle will be releasing such a thing in the near future.


Oracle = solid brick @%&# house
Red Hat = Straw Hut

At least thats the way most large corporations see it.
"Life is make up of 2 types of people...
50% of People who do want to do things
50% of people who do not want to do things
The rest are all forced to do things."


I dunno, i think that companies that are using a Linux distro in an enterprise situation know that Red Hat is king of the Linux distros regardless of Oracle being new to the show.


I think a lot of corporations using Oracle are using it on windows servers.
Thus my quote on Red Hat. A lot of those corporations are afraid of Linux but this Oracle Linux might sway them.
"Life is make up of 2 types of people...
50% of People who do want to do things
50% of people who do not want to do things
The rest are all forced to do things."

Shayne this doesn't affect Red Hat as these customers were never on Linux anyways? ;)