Cockroach-controlled robot

Started by Thorin, March 17, 2007, 06:52:38 PM

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"Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot" is an experimental mechanism that uses a living Madagascan hissing cockroach atop a modified trackball to control a three-wheeled robot. If the cockroach moves left, the robot moves left. Infrared sensors also provide navigation feedback to the cockroach, striving to create a pseudo-intelligent system with the cockroach as the CPU.

Yeah, cuz we need to give the cockroach even better survivability...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Darren Dirt

LOL, dammit I'm a couple of hours late!

Ah well, even the same link so the description is the same :(

...but at least there's no freakin' laser beam on his head.



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more versions, with tons of "responses" by the looks of things.

and yes, most people are SCARED. :o

(Daily Planet actually did a story on it!

Strive for progress. Not perfection.