Text without inflection...

Started by Thorin, May 23, 2007, 10:19:59 AM

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Read the text in the attached image.

Now read this:

She was sobbing quietly, whispering into the phone to her friend.  "Oh my God, he's back, I have to go!  If I'm not laughing, he'll beat me again."

- - - - -

Dontcha love how text without inflection can be taken the wrong way?
Prayin' for a 20!

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I agree.  However, it's the first thought that popped into my head when I read LavaLife's advertisement.  Which could have been influenced by the fact that I was flipping through Penny Arcade, SMBC, and xkcd comics at the time...

Still, the same text in a radio or TV ad could not have been misinterpreted the way I did because it would've had inflection on the words indicating the mood of the two chatters.
Prayin' for a 20!

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Mr. Analog

I might be blinder than usual, but I didn't see your quote in the image...
By Grabthar's Hammer


Ah ha, I see the inflection problem in the image. "He's still making me laugh."
That's partly bad choice of wording (making) and partly something strongly mired in inflection and context.

I bet people who are deaf and rely on subtitling would have a lot to say about weirdness when vocal inflection is left out. For instance, when a character in a dramatic show is smiling and measuring what they say, but speaking in a very sarcastic tone. It might be hard to pick up on the first watch.

And then there's always mondagreening something someone is saying completely (hearing "him" instead of "her", "held up like a loofa by the warden of the night" instead of "cut loose like a deuce another runner in the night"). That's always fun.


I'm sure any other day I wouldn't have thought of it the way I did today...  But yes, it's all about the key linking verb "making".
Prayin' for a 20!

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