the ultimate WTF series of videos: "unfitting music"

Started by Darren Dirt, November 01, 2007, 01:13:38 PM

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Darren Dirt

What is "unfitting music"?

If you search Youtube for while i play unfitting music you'll find lots of examples to ... um ... confuse you.

*or simply while i play (this strange person has lots)

Explanation: Youtube Poop = A remix video made to frustrate, confuse and annoy its audience whilst bringing great amusement to its unhinged creator. (Mr. Analog was right, methinks.)

Insane, pointless Net meme? Perhaps. But ask yourself, can 2.3Million viewers really be wrong?

I apologize in advance.  :P

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one of my favorites so far: hey, is that a song by GWAR? (also the last 30 seconds of this painful one)

PS: seems a frightening number of these videos include references to AVGN ??? AVGN? Explain'd!

Strive for progress. Not perfection.
