GBrowser -- enduring rumour no longer just vaporware

Started by Darren Dirt, September 02, 2008, 08:15:35 AM

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LOL, just tried it..

Got an alert from the application "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart now?

Followed by the standard windows error report dialog.

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Tom on September 03, 2008, 06:38:01 PM
Does it work permanently?

Hey Tom, if you pick apart the JS you should figure that out ;) Seriously though it's a bookmarklet that I frequently use "on demand" -- just wait until after a page loads that has IFRAME etc. elements that you don't want, and click once for each element you want to disappear (in order: iframe,object,embed,ilayer,frame,img).

Heck sometimes I'll even click it all the way (6 times) just to turn off some annoying images, like if they're really distracting (animated GIFs for example). But of course it's not permanent, it's a bookmarklet.

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Darren Dirt


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Wow, I'm pretty surprised that Opera is below Safari. I mean sure a lot of Mac users use Safari and there's not much particularly wrong with it -- personal opinion aside -- but it's very common for mobile phones and devices to have Opera (or some flavour thereof) installed.

I would have thought the number of devices with Opera built-in would cover more market share.

Darren Dirt

Keep in mind, recently any Windoze user with iTunes running (i.e. who owns an iPod) has been essentially forced* by Apple to install Safari. Who knows how many AOL types accidentally made it their default and don't know how to change it. ;)

*Apple learned from M$, i guess?

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Brand power.. also depends on the user base you are measuring. IE the browser distribution for is going to be different from

Mr. Analog

At best some of the stats i was seeing today was around 2%, which is pretty good IMHO.
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Sure didn't take long...

Firefox add-on (extension):  Open In Google Chrome

Adds a "View this page in Google Chrome" option to Firefox's right click context menu.

(similar to the earlier "View this page in IE" add-on)


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but look at the current trends:

I'm actually a little surprised to see Chrome still moving upward (unless my lack of colour vision is lying to me again).

Both FF and IE seem to be in decline while the others hold constant market share (according to "Clicky" anyway).
By Grabthar's Hammer


Chrome replaced FF for a few reasons for me:
- clean interface
- plugins (primary reason to use FF over IE AdBlock)
- Speed (FF it self loading and slowing down over time.)

Mr. Analog

I switched permanently to Chrome ever since I started using sites with a lot of heavy scripting (deviantArt, Facebook, etc).

It's amazing how slow IE and FF seem when I flip back to them sometimes.
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Mr. Analog on September 24, 2010, 10:40:24 AM
I switched permanently to Chrome ever since I started using sites with a lot of heavy scripting (deviantArt, Facebook, etc).

It's amazing how slow IE and FF seem when I flip back to them sometimes.

Scripting speed = amazing, for sure.

As a developer, I use Chrome FIRST for interface/css/scripting testing, the Firebug Lite plugin is good for "inspect element" needs... only when I have some weird script problems/errors do I launch the page in Firefox (where the Error Console sometimes is more helpful/immediate ; also UNLIKE CHROME ( :( ) the FF address bar does not auto-clear after you paste in a "javascript:xyz" link ... and in fact FF keeps a history of your javascript:xyz "websites" you have visited, very handy for on-the-fly "what is that variable set at right now?" type of checks)

I use IE for dev testing only after the others have "passed" and I want to make sure IE isn't gonna be an assclown for my forced-to-use-IE users here at GoA...

Only downside to Chrome imo is when you have 20+ tabs open (even if "split" into separate windows, which I *love* doing, yay Chrome drag-detachable tabs ftw!) it's pretty resource-intensive ... and makes the Flash plugin more likely to go boom.

But the "restore last session" after crash = awesome.

Also the right-click tab "REOPEN CLOSED TAB" is such a nice gesture... and there's an addon* that lets you actually keep a running LIST of closed tabs, for those times you hit CTRL+W a few times and then realized "oops, what did I just close?" ;)

* "Sexy Undo Close Tab" by Xerios (reviewed here: )

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

You know, now that you mention it all those things have just become utility to me and I would not like to be without them. It's innovation like that I can support and admire.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Yes, super resource intensive apps I can certainly support and admire ;)
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!