Ho Ho Ho Freeware for all and FU to all you cheap bastards.

Started by Mags, December 23, 2008, 04:16:47 AM

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"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"


Mr. Analog

TeamPlayer is actually a great free tool for pair programming or even just brainstorming.

Sandboxie is a neat idea that I'm a little curious about. I download a variety of "kwality" art/music applications from time to time to see what's new, cool or otherwise out there (you don't know how useful a tool is until you play with it sometimes). Because these are often the product of small time developers they  leave a lot of mess around in Windows, so if something like this worked reasonably well it might be useful.

Granted I use VirtualBox for this very purpose already but still, it's a good idea if it really does what it claims...!

So yes, I would say some good stuff in the list.
By Grabthar's Hammer