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The Olympics

Started by Melbosa, February 16, 2010, 10:19:19 AM

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Are you watching?

I just can't get enough of it so far, and hockey really hasn't started (well the Women's started on the weekend).  I don't know why this year I'm more into it that I have ever been, but man I'm glued when I have the time!

I am really looking forward to Thursday, as I want to see Men's Hockey, Canada vs USA.

And did you guys see the Gold awarding ceremony yesterday.  What a moment that was!

So are you watching?  And why not?
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


we have been into it too and hayls just cant get enough she even claps for them it's cute. oh that and Lazy got tickets for him and
Tom to hockey on the 23rd eheh. >:D


The olympic cauldron is within a block of my office, I walk past it every morning.


Gettin' tix, lucky Laz'n'Tom.

We've been watching when we can, yeah.  My kids have been enjoying the skiing, although that's all we seem to catch.  The women's hockey isn't exciting yet because it's too one-sided, but wait until the semi-finals where we start playing USA and Sweden!
Prayin' for a 20!

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Mr. Analog

So far I've enjoyed it but the amount of technical glitches and whining I hear through major media outlets is annoying.

I'm not a huge Olympics fan but I can't help but watch.

So far the hockey has been okay, I really can't wait until things really start to heat up.

I've been watching a lot of the skating events, very cool.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Looking forward to finding out who will be playing Tuesday at 9, I hear Canada will only play in 4:30 time slots. At any rate having tickets and seeing a game live should be great.


The media really seems to be pouncing on bad news; where's the stories of athletes having a great time partying it up after hours?  Cuz they are!
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
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Negative media always seems more interesting, also Vancouver is known for it's outspoken protesters.

- Cauldron - people complain the fence was two far, however the Premier who has been to 3 Olympics stated it was the same at the others, now the fence is closer and possibly the closest access ever.
- British media are super negative to begin with, but according to a story last night are extra nasty since Britain will host the Summer Olympics and they are already in 3x cost over runs and everyone is mad there.


Really, we were discussing this at coffee today, and Britain better host some of the smoothest Olympics in history.  If you review previous Olympics, as a lot of our media does in rebuttal to the European complaints, we aren't much different in terms of delays or weather.  I'll give them the Olympias problems with the ice, but that is about it.

The technology problems, well that isn't Canada's organizers fault, as the IOC handles the contracts for that and the organization of those companies for fault tolerances and such.

I don't know what all the fuss is.  I thought I heard that the crowds were in record numbers for participation (day and evening) in the first days than any Olympics in History.

For me, I have enjoyed it thus far.  I cannot believe the web coverage of the events, or the media coverage on TV.  You can get HD feeds over the web direct from CTV!  I really enjoy the SuperBody shorts that explain the mechanics of each event and how the athlete's bodies are involved.  Overall I think its FANTASTIC!
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

The Olympics are always a mess, look what they did to Montreal back in the 70s, bankrupted the province for decades. The same pattern can be seen in pretty much every host city.
By Grabthar's Hammer


The LIVE party events around there are packed, and there is a crowd around the cauldron all day long. When ever they ask people on the street they seem very happy.

There have been some incidents, such as the crazy guy with a fake pass getting near the Vice president and the crowd surge at the Alexis on fire concert.

The sun has come out and it has stopped raining.. Not much you can do about the weather.. from some of the stories, a lack of snow isn't that uncommon of a problem.


You don't host the Olympics in Vancouver and not expect there to be no snow.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Darren Dirt

Wow, considering this forum's participants, it's surprising that no mention of The Game, instead it took me reading another forum to hear of the results.

Highlights anyone? Did you watch the whole thing, and was it a good battle?


Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total   
Canada (CAN) 14 7 5 26
Germany (GER) 10 13 7 30
United States (USA) 9 15 13 37
Norway (NOR) 9 8 6 23
South Korea (KOR) 6 6 2 14

holy @%&#.

seriously (podium) pwnage, compared to...

and ESPECIALLY compared to the pathetic years... <-- Calgary Curse? ;)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


I watched it and most of the Olympics of the 2 weeks.  I am actually sad that they are over with now.  I miss watching it on HD through the CTV website, while doing my work during the day :( :(.

The game was fantastic to watch.  Canada repeated its defensive stance in the 3rd period, like they have for most of the tournament when in the lead, which turned out to be a huge factor as to why USA finally tied it.  But what a fitting goal to end the game, get us the 14th gold metal for the record, and to have it done by Sid the Kid!  Just a fitting ending to the whole 2 weeks.

The closing Ceremonies were great IMO; the weakest part being the comedians.  I tend to agree with a lot of the news casters: This Olympics seemed to bring the pride out of people.  At least I noticed it around the office and friends, more so than any other event in Canadian history that I have seen.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Followed it very closely, hard not to with the crowds around here...

I didn't like the closing much, I felt the comedians where not well utilized and who the hell is k-os? I was hoping for a great Canadian band like the Tragically Hip to show up.