Google Chrome, do you use it?

Started by Thorin, February 24, 2010, 12:48:41 PM

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Having been put on a web project a couple of months ago that requires emulating a ten-year-old design with some serious data transfer problems, I've been making sure to test my code in three different browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (with "compatibility view" on and off), Mozilla Firefox 3.5, and Google Chrome 4.  My default browser when not testing, though, has been Firefox 3.5.

Why do I use Firefox 3.5?  It's simple, AdBlock Plus.  This extension blocks most if not all unwanted ads, and I find pages easier to read without the ads.  The lack of ad-blocking kept me from switching to Chrome.

Well, Chrome now supports extensions, and one of those extensions is AdThwart.  AdThwart can use the same filter lists as AdBlock Plus.  I tried out AdThwart, installed it, and have now switched over to Google Chrome as my default browser.  Why?  Because it gives me more screen real estate, usually-faster-but-sometimes-slower page loading, nice highlighting of active fields, and appears to use less memory to browse the same amount of web pages (using Task Manager to compare memory usage - no proper benchmarking yet).

It was dirt-simple to import my bookmarks, stored usernames, and stored passwords from Firefox into Chrome (this scares the hell outta me!  I thought those passwords were stored securely?!).

So, is anyone else using Chrome as their default browser?  Are there any pitfalls I should watch out for?  Are there any things you like about it that you want to share with the world?
Prayin' for a 20!

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I am using it on my Work PC I have been going back and forth between ADBlock and AdThwart... I find AdThwart jumbles some pages I go to, nether have the same deep hooks that are in the FireFox version so I notice a flash before ads are removed on some sites.
AdBlock button add-on:

I am using the built in bookmark sync between my work and home systems, it works very well. Over all I find it very clean and smooth to use, as well as a little faster than Firefox.

Watch that memory use though, each tab is its own process, raeofsunshine always leaves a piles of tabs open and we looked at her use under both and found Chrome used much more memory over all but was more responsive and memory was freed better when tabs closed.

She also has noticed how often FlashCrashes as Chrome has a Sick computer logo that appears when plugins die.


I have FF, IE, and Chrome in use, just to see what is the best option for me.... and well it seems I still need all three to make things work.

IE for a lot of Microsoft/Vendor application sites that still don't work so hot even with IE Tab.

FF for web development plugins and greasemonkey support.

Chrome for simple web browsing and general surfing as it seems to work fastest at this.

Most of the time though I'm in FF which is plugin loaded at work for a lot of different things.  Chrome is catching up, but just doesn't have everything I need.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Quote from: Lazybones on February 24, 2010, 01:12:21 PM
I am using the built in bookmark sync between my work and home systems, it works very well. Over all I find it very clean and smooth to use, as well as a little faster than Firefox.

I haven't gotten there yet, but that sounds like an awesome idea - keeping bookmarks synced between different computers.  Except, of course, if you really want to keep your work and home bookmarks separated so you don't accidentally click on NSFW bookmarks.

Quote from: Lazybones on February 24, 2010, 01:12:21 PM
Watch that memory use though, each tab is its own process, raeofsunshine always leaves a piles of tabs open and we looked at her use under both and found Chrome used much more memory over all but was more responsive and memory was freed better when tabs closed.

Because each tab runs in its own process, Windows has an easier time of swapping memory in and out as well as being able to handle a tab crash more eloquently.  This, in turn, will make each tab seem more responsive.  Keep in mind that all those tabs you're not using can get their entire memory space written to the page file, so if there are a lot of tabs open chewing a lot of memory, but those tabs are all in the background, then just up the pagefile size.

Thanks for the suggestions on other extensions.  I looked at GMC+, but I have Trillian installed at work to notify me of emails, and can click on unread emails in Trillian to do something with them in Gmail.  IE Tab, well, I just use IE when I need it.  Sorta weird, but there's three browsers on my machine now (both at work and at home).
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
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Hehe, speaking of Trillian, I'm using a different multi-messenger called Pidgin now.  Trillian would just crash to often for me :(
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Hmm, haven't had any crashes with Trillian yet.  And it's been on my work machine for several months.  Mind you, I'm using Trillian Astra, and have read reports of crashes in older versions.

How is Pidgin treatin' ya?
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


This thread might be better for the IM discussion. FYI about Pidgin is that it stores all your account passwords in plain text locally.


My normal browsing habits don't allow me to use Chrome. Its worse with memory than Firefox is. At least firefox will run decently for a few weeks before I need to kill it, where as chrome will easily eat up 2-4G in a few days, if not less.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


Remember the good old days of running only one program at a time?  I remember when TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) was an absolutely mind-blowing concept!  Now we're complaining about not being able to leave four dozen programs running for weeks on end.

Anyway, as an open-source proponent, have you made any bug reports to the Chromium project, upon which Google Chrome is built?  If not, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear of your memory woes.

As for memory usage, I've had the opposite effect here at work - Firefox quickly climbs to above 500MB, and if I leave it running overnight the the next morning it's over 1GB memory used.  And then my machine really starts lagging, as Windows doesn't seem sure how much of Firefox's memory can be swapped out.  With Chrome, I haven't noticed said morning-lag.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

I use Chrome, you know why? Firefox, even stripped of plug-ins etc is a SLOW ASS BITCH.

Seriously, I go to a lot of script-heavy sites (goddamn sploicers, err, I mean art sites) and the only thing that doesn't make it pure pain is Chrome. Quicky, easy, you get in you get out.

There's a lot of stuff I don't like but, it's fast so it wins.

I used to be a plugin junkie, but really I can use other programs for a lot of that stuff.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Thorin on February 24, 2010, 05:40:18 PM
Remember the good old days of running only one program at a time?  I remember when TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) was an absolutely mind-blowing concept!  Now we're complaining about not being able to leave four dozen programs running for weeks on end.

Anyway, as an open-source proponent, have you made any bug reports to the Chromium project, upon which Google Chrome is built?  If not, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear of your memory woes.

As for memory usage, I've had the opposite effect here at work - Firefox quickly climbs to above 500MB, and if I leave it running overnight the the next morning it's over 1GB memory used.  And then my machine really starts lagging, as Windows doesn't seem sure how much of Firefox's memory can be swapped out.  With Chrome, I haven't noticed said morning-lag.
If you're a light user, Chrome /seems/ to be ok memory wise. But open up a few windows, with two of them having 20+ tabs open, you'll see Chrome eating up 2-4GB ram easily. Where as at that point firefox sits at 1-2G. (which imo is still too much, the only reason I'm not using konqueror still is because its buggy as crap right now)

I really did like how fast Chrome was, but its not worth it for me when it makes my dual core laptop with 4G ram feel like a p2 500 ;) or my quadcore with 2-4G (2G right now, 2G recently died) ram feel like a p2 400 running XP.

I'll probably try Chrome again, its possible it was just the build I tried that was buggy or something. But not right now ;D
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

It may wear on the CPU and eat memory a bit more heavily but I'm willing to give up spare cycles and a couple of gigs of ram to be able to cruise the net without waiting for the browser to play catchup.

I swear, after FF3 it all went to hell for Mozilla...
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on February 25, 2010, 05:49:57 PM
It may wear on the CPU and eat memory a bit more heavily but I'm willing to give up spare cycles and a couple of gigs of ram to be able to cruise the net without waiting for the browser to play catchup.

I swear, after FF3 it all went to hell for Mozilla...
I wouldn't mind a couple Gigs much, but when I start swapping massively because Chrome uses WAY too much memory, its going a little too far.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


Quote from: Mr. Analog on February 25, 2010, 08:02:12 AM
I use Chrome, you know why? Firefox, even stripped of plug-ins etc is a SLOW ASS BITCH.

Seriously, I go to a lot of script-heavy sites (goddamn sploicers, err, I mean art sites) and the only thing that doesn't make it pure pain is Chrome. Quicky, easy, you get in you get out.

There's a lot of stuff I don't like but, it's fast so it wins.

I used to be a plugin junkie, but really I can use other programs for a lot of that stuff.

I've managed to find a problem in the latest stable Chrome release (actually, it's in the underlying WebKit, so Safari will have the same problem).  What's this problem?  Well, on pages that are a bit larger, with scripts running that access data that is sent in different chunks, Chrome grinds down to a measure-in-minutes-instead-of-seconds speed.

It's been reported to Google here and here.  Here's my scenario:

I have a page with a grid with a dropdown list of values for each row in the grid.  Normally, this would mean a large amount of HTML in the page to tell the dropdown lists what values to have in their lists.  I need to reduce page size, so I use Javascript to load the values into the dropdown lists after the page loads.

When there are only a few values to load, this runs fast (300k page loads in ~2.4 seconds, including running said Javascript).  As soon as there are more than twelve or so values to throw in the dropdown lists, this runs horribly slow (same page loads in ~157 seconds, running said Javascript for about ~141 seconds of that).

What I've learned is that browsers get sent web pages in chunks of data; once all the chunks arrive, the page will have been completely downloaded.  Looks like Chrome starts rendering and running Javascript before all the chunks arrive, causing a lot of re-rendering and re-running the Javascript, in turn causing a horrendous slowdown (in my case about 65 times slower).  Also, this seems to be a Chrome 4 issue, not present in Chrome 3.

Firefox and Internet Explorer may be slower, but I haven't encountered these kinds of bugs creeping into either of them.  Probably because they're not pushing their new versions out quite as fast - Google seems content with occasionally breaking its software.
Prayin' for a 20!

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