Big Bang Theory (well-written, intelligent sitcom on CBS) -- if you're a fan...

Started by Darren Dirt, March 03, 2010, 10:07:57 PM

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Darren Dirt

the creative talents behind that show* are making good use of modern technology to add to the enjoyment. Pretty much every character (including the "minor" ones) have a Twitter account, and keep them up "in character", and "in universe". Nicely done, Chuck Lorre et al!

For those of you who will get it, I included a few noteable quotes that'll probably make you grin... "@wolowizard not a snowball's chance in hell, Howard." "That's right, @BarryKripke. In the vernacular, "I roll like that." ... .@lacosadulce I have not "disappeared". I assure you I am fully corporeal. I am, however, somewhat busy." "@TheRaj Did I mention my girlfriend, Bernadette? That's why I'm no longer on Twitter very often. She's my girlfriend. ... @TheRaj I did see Avatar with my girlfriend. But I don't own a megaphone." <-- double-esoteric reference! ^_^ "@Rockolate I think it's @MicroBernadette. But maybe Howard Her Boyfriend should tell you about His Girlfriend Bernadette... endlessly. ... I almost forgot... Oh, @wolowizard... "Tushy Face". B-)" "Wow. @leonardhofstadt was right... If you like solving math problems (who doesn't?), is addicting!"

and yes, even... , , and if you really like pain, you can even read this one out loud ;)

And as a result of the meticulous detail they put into this endeavor, "Sheldon" was a Top 10 finalist for the "Shorty" awards... but he "doesn't get it" why his would be in the category "humor" :)

*oh, btw Bazinga!

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


I just can't get into this show... it is alright at times, others I can't stand it.  I think its the guy from Rosanne that drives me nuts... never did like the actor.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Melbosa on March 03, 2010, 10:40:34 PM
I just can't get into this show... it is alright at times, others I can't stand it.  I think its the guy from Rosanne that drives me nuts... never did like the actor.

imo Penny starts off as a dumb blond, quickly becomes a filled-out character, funny and interesting. Wolowitz starts off an idiotic non-playah, and now that he's got a Girlfriend he's starting to become more human. Sheldon started off flat and too "Vulcan", but all the times he's reverted to a child (when sick, when his mom visited, when the party girl totally wanted him but he was clueless) and his constantly growing toolbox of quotes and quirks has been really impressive. Raj is gangsta, and the source of many of the best one-liners. TBH I think only Leonard has gone "downhill" when it comes to character development, which is good, it's an ensemble show it's not "Leonard, his 3 nerdy friends, and the girl across the hall". It's more about (to quote Jim Parsons) "extraordinary people in ordinary circumstances", and that's why its popularity is growing so fast due to word of mouth -- from non-geniuses and non-geeks :)

I agree the way that the Leonard character is played, is a bit too whiny, and his never-makes-eye-contact is kinda off-putting due to his height, but overall the top notch, often-multi-layered writing, not just the one-liners but also the references to pop culture and science and also previous episode incidents, all those details make this a Win for me pretty much in every episode (S2 and S3 improve over S1, kinda like the way the Simpsons and ST:TNG both did, you gotta cringe when you watch some of S1 from those shows, you gotta admit). Stan The Man Lee just willingly guest starred on TBBT, 'nuff said ;)


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


I've gotten into this show, and watch it when I can.  I've found that it is unapologetically nerdy, and not just stereotypical-nerd-as-seen-by-mainstream.

For instance, in a recent episode where Leonard is trying to learn how football works, Sheldon is making Cylon toast.  Nerdy.  But then the show never explains why that's nerdy!  You have to know what Cylons are to even get the joke!  And I'm pretty sure it was a limited-edition exclusive Cylon toaster only available from a comic-con:

In that same episode, I found the reasoning presented behind why Sheldon knows all about football (Sheldon's father tried to make him more manly for years during childhood, something entirely believable) well thought out and fitting to the character.

I can understand you not liking that guy that used to be on Roseanne.  His name is Johnny Galecki, and his character's name is Leonard.  Keep in mind, Leonard is supposed to be socially awkward and whiny.  Galecki does a good job of playing Leonard that way.

From what I've read, the equations you see on blackboards and whiteboards in the background are actual theoretical mathematics equations, and in the second season there was apparently a push to give Sheldon a real astrophysics problem to work on during the season.  I haven't seen enough episodes to know if this happened or not, though.
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