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Geek Hierarchy

Started by Thorin, June 12, 2010, 03:21:31 PM

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I think this guy is spot-on with his geek hierarchy:


He also has a larger one here: or a printable PDF here:

I think I might just print off that PDF and put it on my wall, see how many people look at it.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Darren Dirt

SFLF* for me... anyone else want to admit their geek level? (of which I will almost assuredly be looking down ;) )

*of the SF TV I am a fan of, it's the writing that draws me in, and since I detest SF lit that is set in a "TV SF universe" I think the pure "SFLF" is a correct self-assessment. Now excuse me while I go visit Wee Book Inn to see if I can find another virtually-unknown Heinlein gem for a toonie...

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


I'm kind of in between "Insist on subtitles" and "Doesn't care about subtitles". I don't really insist on it, but I do /prefer/ subtitles.

But I'm also a Science Fiction Lit fan, as well as a TV SF fan, and maybe a future Amateur SF writer. Oh and I've seen every single TNG ep several times, not sure that makes you a Trekkie, but I do enjoy the show on occasion.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


I sit in-between the subtitles debate as well.

I can watch subtitled stuff without issue but I would prefer to have it dubbed with well matched voices.

Ghost in the shell, Akura, princess monninokie etc have been dubbed well. To bad tv seems to get the same 4 voice actors and any character under the age of 16 has the most anoying kid voice ever.

Mr. Analog

Man, this chart is the truth! The scary, horrifying truth!
By Grabthar's Hammer