Team Fortress 2 Tools

Started by Mr. Analog, July 04, 2011, 02:42:43 PM

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Mr. Analog

TF2 Wiki!

Items & Crafting:

Find out what Items you have in your Backpack:

Find Crafting Recipes for Items in your Backpack:

HUDs & Mods

TF2 Community Hud:

Medieval Mod (not yet complete)

HLDJ (Half-Life DJ):

Mobile Steam Apps:

My Steam (iPhone):

Steam Friends (Android):

How To:

Create Sprays with Transparency:
A little outdated, but a good step by step:
You can import TGA (Targa) / GIF files directly into TF2 now, so you don't need to screw with VTFEdit (for static sprays at least).
By Grabthar's Hammer



My Steam (iPhone)
- lets you check on basic like if your Steam friends are online and what they are playing.

Mr. Analog

The TF2 Community Hud is pretty darn useful and is pretty much a must-have. First of all it shows damage in nice, bright, big numbers (ironically since I have achromatopsia I prefer lenses with a reddish tint so I can't see red for @%&# in the default hud).

It cleans up the UI quite a bit as well, removing a lot of the cruft and leaving all the information you're likely to want to see right where you want to see it. From what I gather if you set up the minimal HUD (just a checkbox setting in the Advanced Options) it's even more minimal (good if you need a lot of periphery, like if you are a Medic).

So far I like this HUD a lot because it lets me know if I'm hitting people (and for splash damage, how much damage you're inflicting), this makes it WAY easier to figure out if my tactics are working.

My only gripe is that on the character selection screen between deaths doesn't show the item edit loadout screen, but you can get to it easily by hitting escape and going to the main menu and managing your items that way while you wait for the respawn counter. I don't know about you guys but I often change up my items depending on what kind of challenges are on a map.

It's easy to install, but if you need help just post in the Help forums.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Medieval Mod (not yet complete)

Look for servers running the map cp_degrootkeep..

I tried out a few servers running the map and it makes for interesting game play... Nearly all Demoman and Sniper..

- Make sure you have acquired good melee weapons for your load out before trying.
- This mode makes some seldom used melee weapons really interesting. (I have the Back Scratcher and Sharpened Volcano Fragment for my Pyro)

Mr. Analog

Cool! I'll have to try this out when I got some time :D
By Grabthar's Hammer