Not Google, Not Zerg, just RUSH

Started by Darren Dirt, April 27, 2012, 01:50:28 PM

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Darren Dirt

Michael Nitti |April 19, 12:12 PM ET
Incredible band, incredible tune.....except for the vocal melody. I don't know what it is, but while their instrumental playing has remained in the echelons of the rock gods, they haven't been able to write a great vocal melody in over a decade. Geddy still has great range, but it's like he's just ad-libbing Neil's lyrics as he goes. As for the lack of Rock n Roll Hall of Shame or Rolling Stone's a travesty, but it's completely obvious. No record company would ever sign Rush back in the day so they had to launch their own. As a result, they never participated in all the payola and under the table deals that major record labels engage in to this day in order to get their acts publicity. So they all hate Rush for not playing 'business' the way they want. Hence they use their influence to push them away. Therein lies part of the greatness of Rush, that they achieved such phenomenal success DESPITE not 'playing' the corporate back scratch game. I don't think any other band in history can claim the same thing.

preach on, brutha!

Strive for progress. Not perfection.