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Edgy Lately?

Started by Mr. Analog, June 08, 2012, 09:49:00 AM

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Mr. Analog

I don't know what it is but I know I've been edgy this week, anyone else getting this vibe?

I'm pretty sure it's the code release we have upcoming but I've been having trouble sleeping and staying focused lately, I feel tired all the time too.

Augh, I know I'm going to blow off some steam this weekend (woo yeah Minecraft and chillin' on Whyte Ave) but still, weird feelings lately...
By Grabthar's Hammer


I've been excited all week, but I supposed that is cause I'm off to TechEd in Orlando all next week.
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


I am changing jobs at the end of the month, I am really edgy / excited.


For me:

Code release coming up right away

Deployment scripting that I've been working at for six @%&#ing weeks still doesn't work properly (I've even dragged in other developers)

Two kids' birthdays this weekend

Wife started a new job and hasn't bothered to even discuss childcare with me so probably just expects me to be home in the middle of the day to get the youngest off the bus

Not enough sleep (ONE MORE BLOCK ONE MORE BLOCK ONE MORE BLOCK ONE MORE .. wait, that's real sun coming through the window)

Still spending more than we make (hopefully that changes with wifey working)

Messy ass house with kids that only clean if you yell at them

Not enough D&D (I grew my first dungeon master, though!  my oldest just ran his first session with a couple of buddies, 4th edition; apparently he told them I know a lot about D&D so when I got home one of his buddies asked me, "What does it mean when it says 'radiant' damage?")

Impending sports registration costs of around $2,400, to be paid by end of June

Worry that work thinks I'm not working hard enough


Yeah, so, with all those stressors I wish I could self-medicate with a couple of beers.  However, you're not supposed to show up at the rink smelling like alcohol so tonight's out.  And the wedding I'm going to this weekend will probably be a dry wedding (Mormons, although as Corb Lund says it in Family Reunion:
    You got the Mormons and the drinkers and the Mormons who drink
    Well pay attention ?cause it ain't as simple as you think
    They say there's some that don't believe in either
    But I ain't seen 'em yet and my pa ain't neither
there might be hidden al-kee-hole there)
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Yeah it seems like all this stuff is coming to a head lately, I'm *REALLY* looking forward to Fraga this year, I can @%&# off for a week and not think about anything.

I am so looking forward to that...
By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

Other weird feels:

So, perusing Twitter I saw the company I work for tooting a feature that I built all the plumbing for...

Makes me feel funny (is that... pride? I haven't felt that for over a decade)

We stealthily sat in on a customer demo today as well, it was a good feeling watching it go on without a hitch, somewhat unsettling actually.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Isn't it nice to feel pride in your work?  I don't have it at the other end of the app, though.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Thorin on June 08, 2012, 01:33:56 PM
Isn't it nice to feel pride in your work?  I don't have it at the other end of the app, though.

Yes and no, I'm starting to feel some old pressures build again, gotta distance myself a bit, stay pragmatic.

That's too bad, I know scripting this stuff can be a bitch, particularly given the environmental hurdles...
By Grabthar's Hammer


It's not even the scripting, it's not being able to produce easy-to-understand reports.  This data is so jumbled and so complicated, man, you wouldn't believe it.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Thorin on June 08, 2012, 02:11:12 PM
It's not even the scripting, it's not being able to produce easy-to-understand reports.  This data is so jumbled and so complicated, man, you wouldn't believe it.

Man, I believe it, I see now what goes into a [proprietary export file], and that's just to DEFINE the CONTENT let alone collect it.

You need to be a special form of sadist to enjoy manipulating so many nested arrays.
By Grabthar's Hammer


I can't discuss further here (confidentiality and all that), all I can say is beer helps me forget it.  Maybe next week we can go for a couple.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Datum sounds good to me
By Grabthar's Hammer