Saskatchewan paying recent grads to move to / stay in Saskatchewan

Started by Thorin, July 24, 2012, 02:19:40 PM

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Here's the FAQ about how Sasktachewan is paying recent grads to move to or stay in Sasktachewan:,1036,104,81,1,Documents

Key points:
- they'll only give you what you spent on tuition
- there's a limit on the max they'll give you
   - $3k if you took a 1 year certificate or diploma
   - $6.4k if you took a 2 or 3 year certificate or diploma
   - $15k if you took a 3 year degree
   - $20k if you took a 4 year degree
- you have to stay in Saskatchewan for 7 years to get the full amount
- paid out as follows: 10% years 1-4, 20% years 5-7
- refundable tax credit, so it's used to pay down your taxes owing or if you have no taxes owing, then you get it as a tax return

Combine this with Alberta's loan system where they'll simply forgive anything you owe over a certain amount (see Alberta Loan Relief, but it's about to end), as well as the federal government's grants, and schooling can become very cheap for you - plus living in Saskatchewan is quite a bit cheaper than in Alberta.  Now, I wonder what kind of wages they pay there?
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


Well, third-highest in the country according to Stats Can, but lower than Alberta:

Alberta: $26.54
Ontario: $24.11
Saskatchewan: $23.93
British Columbia: $23.58
Canada: $23.50
Newfoundland and Labrador: $22.44
Quebec: $22.02
Manitoba: $21.22
Nova Scotia: $20.82
New Brunswick: $19.63
Prince Edward Island: $19.45

For anecdotal evidence, I worked for a company that had an office in Regina back in 2000-2003, and the guy with the CS degree from U of S and two years experience made $42k a year in 2000.  And he was complaining that he could make $3k to $5k more by just switching employers (hey, sound familiar?).  This was very similar to what U of A CS grads with two years experience were getting in Edmonton at the time.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful