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Started by Mr. Analog, August 17, 2012, 04:40:30 PM

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No, you don't understand, she's a redhead with a white stripe in her hair, she can do anything any other character can do just by touching them.  Or wait, that's a different universe, right?
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

Gonna jump in and play some 'Nauts tonight, the new character has been released! Looks like she can shoot across the whole screen and go through multiple enemies.

"It's set to 'stun'. Honest!" LOL
By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

Whoa, finally played my first Quick Match (non-private server), it's challenging if you end up on a team with nothing but bots LOL

But anyway! Absolutely lovin' Raelynn, her style keeps me a bit further out of the action which is good 'cause when things get crazy I barely keep track of my health LOL

A good combo with her seems to be any big heavy hitter type guy (think Clunk or Sk?lldir) and a harasser (like Leon or Coco), she also seems to work good with close fighters as they can go in and distract the enemy team a bit and forget about the 30 damage they're going to take lol

Oh they've nerfed one of Voltar's powers, I dont remember what it was though
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on November 02, 2012, 11:43:10 PM
Oh they've nerfed one of Voltar's powers, I dont remember what it was though

Looks fairly balanced to me, not a big reduction in those shots and there are lots of increases and improvements

- NEW - Voltar?s ?Summon Drones? ability has been renamed to ?Suicide Drones?. After purchasing the Suicide Drones skill, drones will continue to spawn automatically. Using the Suicide Drones skill now orders your drones to home in on nearby enemies, exploding on contact.
- The damage dealt by Suicide Drone shots has been reduced from 5 to 4, while explosion damage has been increased from 10 to 12.
- Weapon range and homing capabilities of Suicide Drone shots have been improved.
- The damage increase from Weaponised Hull (Suicide Drones) has been increased from 5 to 6.
- The price of Dreams of Greed (Healing wave) has been reduced from 205 Solar to 155 Solar.
- Movement speed slightly reduced

Mr. Analog

Ahh that would be it, I noticed they behaved a little differently yesterday!
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on November 03, 2012, 06:30:23 AM
Ahh that would be it, I noticed they behaved a little differently yesterday!

I would say the auto-spawning the drones and increased explode damage makes this change a buff more than anything. I was playing last night and found it much less confusing using the drone suicide power because I didn't have to waste drowns to re-spawn my max number available.  Also with the damage upgrades and suicide Voltar is not completely useless in offensive power, you can really chop down players that forget to boost their health and focus on damage.

Mr. Analog

Ooh yeah good point!

One thing I didn't like when playing Voltar (which admittedly was not much) was that I kept having to keep track of the number of drones and where they were. I can't tell you how many times I'd hit the respawn and lose 2 when I thought I only had the 1.

It's a good change.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on November 06, 2012, 01:05:02 PM
Ooh yeah good point!

One thing I didn't like when playing Voltar (which admittedly was not much) was that I kept having to keep track of the number of drones and where they were. I can't tell you how many times I'd hit the respawn and lose 2 when I thought I only had the 1.

It's a good change.

Exactly it takes away the micro management and waste of the power timer to keep the drones at full power. My only beef at the moment is that the suicide attack does not always cause the drones to go toward the correct target, or any target sometimes.


And now the balance nerf, I knew Voltar's improvements where too good to be true.

Patch 1.8.1 (Hotfix)

Character balance/fixes

-Suicide drones, shot range decreased from 14 to 10
-Suicide drones, warpgate overdrive cooldown reduction decreased from -2 sec. to -1 sec.
-Suicide drones, warpgate overdrive price increased from 190 Solar to 250 Solar.

-Snipe shot, cooldown reduced from 10 sec. to 9 sec.
-Snipe shot, charge up time reduced from 0.67 sec. to 0.5sec.
-Snipe shot, damage increased from 30 to 35 damage.
-Snipe shot, flashy glasses, Solar/damage percentage reduced from 15% to 10%

Mr. Analog

That's a big change for Voltar holy moley!!

I'm surprised Raelynn got so many boosts on snipe, I thought she was kind of OP actually (not that I mind I like playing as her)
By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

Ffff forum crashed when I tried to posted this before:

New character: Vinnie (& Spike)!

Voiced by TotalBiscuit

A gangster team, they move fast have a rapid fire bubble shot and some kind of exploding dash attack.

There's also a smoke screen that can add effects like blindness.

Check him out
By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt

for some reason when I just watched the gameplay in this trailer, I thought of a combo of Alien Hominid* and Meatboy, and AWESOMENAUTS (maybe cuz of the ability to play "Co-Optionally")

BattleBlock Theater (Launch Trailer, 02Apr2013)

Rooster Teeth's Let's Play = hilarious, and brutal.

Looks fun. Like, retro, hard-as-diamonds fun. With a friend!

*obvious reason is obvious.

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Gotta love co-op play!
By Grabthar's Hammer


I was just looking at my steam library, and a new game popped up in my linux library \o/

I give you one guess as to which game it is.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!