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xp farms and anvils

Started by Thorin, October 31, 2012, 10:19:50 AM

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The anvil is something new coming in 1.4.  It allows us to repair almost destroyed items by adding in more material (awesome, no more losing the best-enchanted-item-ever due to wear!).  More importantly, it lets us combine multiple enchanted items, removing the enchantments from the second item and adding them to the first (or increasing the levels of enchantment already there).  The cost for doing so can be pretty high - one screenshot showed 46 levels to move from Efficiency IV to Efficiency V:


This is where xp farms can be useful - your awesome uber pick is almost destroyed?  You're still 10 levels away from what you need to fix it / copy enchantments?  Off to the xp farm!

I dunno if I'll actually use the xp farm all that much since level gain is pretty quick these days.  However, I think the xp gain rate from smelting has been reduced a bit, so we'll see.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Level gain is so fast I don't see much need for farms, but dammit I want anvils badly!!
By Grabthar's Hammer


Yeah, I was just talking about if we have to hit 50+ to create the top-end enchanted items.  Efficiency V, for instance, is not attainable using enchanting.  You have to use an anvil and two picks with Efficiency IV already on them.  Two picks at Efficiency IV generally requires 25+ levels per pick.

I wonder if we could just do this:

The number (eg "01") is the pick number.  "Eff" is short for Efficiency, "I", "II", etc are the Roman numerals depicting the enchantment power.

enchant: 01 Eff I, 02 Eff I
combine: 01 + 02 = 01 Eff II (02 cleared)
enchant: 02 Eff I, 03 Eff I
combine: 02 + 03 = 02 Eff II (03 cleared), 01 + 02 = 01 Eff III (02 cleared)

enchant: 02 Eff I, 03 Eff I
combine: 02 + 03 = 02 Eff II (03 cleared)
enchant: 03 Eff I, 04 Eff I
combine: 03 + 04 = 03 Eff II (04 cleared), 02 + 03 = 02 Eff III (03 cleared)

combine: 01 + 02 = 01 Eff IV (02 cleared)

enchant: 02 Eff I, 03 Eff I
combine: 02 + 03 = 02 Eff II (03 cleared)
enchant: 03 Eff I, 04 Eff I
combine: 03 + 04 = 03 Eff II (04 cleared), 02 + 03 = 02 Eff III (03 cleared)

enchant: 03 Eff I, 04 Eff I
combine: 03 + 04 = 03 Eff II (04 cleared)
enchant: 04 Eff I, 05 Eff I
combine: 04 + 05 = 04 Eff II (05 cleared), 03 + 04 = 03 Eff III (04 cleared)

combine: 02 + 03 = 02 Eff IV (03 cleared)

combine: 01 + 02 = 01 Eff V (02 cleared)

So, five diamond picks, one enchantment table (doesn't even require bookcases), sixteen level one enchantments (if you stick to level one you will only get Efficiency I) requiring two mob kills per level so thirty-two mobs, one anvil, fifteen uses of the anvil (anvils are expected to last for twenty-five uses).

And you have an Efficiency V pick out of the deal that you can just keep fixing.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


I wish there was a way to remove enchantments.  For instance, I don't want both Fortune and Silk Touch on my pick, because Silk Touch will mine a diamond ore block, whereas I want Fortune to give me multiple diamonds (not diamond ore) per block mined.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

If you change the order of the items on the anvil it will prefer the enchantment on the left over the one on the right so you may be able to remove it by adding new enchantments.

Otherwise, just frame the pick you don't want and make another one :)

(are Item Frames added now?)
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Thorin on October 31, 2012, 10:19:50 AM
This is where xp farms can be useful - your awesome uber pick is almost destroyed?  You're still 10 levels away from what you need to fix it / copy enchantments?  Off to the xp farm!

I hear there is a pretty awesome Blaze XP farm somewhere.


Hi Pants!  Yeah, I heard something about that, too.  I thought it was just a legend, a myth whispered amongst the Usamot lords in the dead of night to scare the younger ones.

How are things going down in your neck of the wood on the server, by the way?
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


I've actually been playing with my son on our 2 person server ever since the 1.4 snapshots popped up.

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Pants on November 02, 2012, 01:57:47 PM
I've actually been playing with my son on our 2 person server ever since the 1.4 snapshots popped up.

Nice! I started a 1.4 map locally before I rolled back to 1.3.2.

I wonder if there are any tools out there in candyland that let you manage different versions of Minecraft side-by-side?
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on November 02, 2012, 02:14:27 PM
Quote from: Pants on November 02, 2012, 01:57:47 PM
I've actually been playing with my son on our 2 person server ever since the 1.4 snapshots popped up.

Nice! I started a 1.4 map locally before I rolled back to 1.3.2.

I wonder if there are any tools out there in candyland that let you manage different versions of Minecraft side-by-side?

Beyond MCNostalgia, I dunno.  I customized my setup a little - instead of living in the %AppData% folder, I have my stuff on my D: drive just off the root.  I start Minecraft with a little batch file that has the following commands in it:

@echo off

Title Starting Minecraft

echo Starting Minecraft...

echo ..Set AppData to %CD%\GameFiles
set APPDATA=%CD%\GameFiles\

echo ..Run GameFiles\minecraft.exe
start GameFiles\minecraft.exe

My directory structure is like so:

....Start Minecraft.bat
..../Downloaded Mods
..../Downloaded Texture Packs

To do this, I just copied the %AppData%\.minecraft folder to D:\Minecraft\GameFiles\.minecraft, then made my little batch file that changes the AppData location.  Run the batch file, the AppData location gets changed to D:\Minecraft\GameFiles (for the batch file and any programs it calls, not for the rest of the computer), then start Minecraft.

If you did this, you could have two installed locations side-by-side, and you could update one while keeping the other at 1.3.2.  You could even put shortcuts to your batch files on your desktop, like I've done for the kids :)

edit: a word of caution, though, all of the single-player data is stored within the .minecraft folder, so you won't be able to share map data between them if you wanted to.  In my case I have multiple kids playing on the same machine, so keeping their maps completely separate is kinda nice.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Dn't you have to put AppData back when done?
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Nope, it's only valid for the session the batch file started in (and any other programs started by the batch file).  It works perfectly.  In fact, I can start Minecraft from one location, then start another Minecraft from another location, have them both log into the same server and play myself!
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Quote from: Thorin on November 03, 2012, 09:14:12 PM
Nope, it's only valid for the session the batch file started in (and any other programs started by the batch file).  It works perfectly.  In fact, I can start Minecraft from one location, then start another Minecraft from another location, have them both log into the same server and play myself!
Hhmmmmm anyone else find that a bit disturbing?
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Quote from: Melbosa on November 04, 2012, 03:04:52 AM
Quote from: Thorin on November 03, 2012, 09:14:12 PM
Nope, it's only valid for the session the batch file started in (and any other programs started by the batch file).  It works perfectly.  In fact, I can start Minecraft from one location, then start another Minecraft from another location, have them both log into the same server and play myself!
Hhmmmmm anyone else find that a bit disturbing?
Everyone has their own way of relieving stress.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!


Quote from: Tom on November 04, 2012, 03:18:27 AM
Quote from: Melbosa on November 04, 2012, 03:04:52 AM
Quote from: Thorin on November 03, 2012, 09:14:12 PM
Nope, it's only valid for the session the batch file started in (and any other programs started by the batch file).  It works perfectly.  In fact, I can start Minecraft from one location, then start another Minecraft from another location, have them both log into the same server and play myself!
Hhmmmmm anyone else find that a bit disturbing?
Everyone has their own way of relieving stress.

He said play myself, not play with myself. :P