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Fallout 4 Rumours

Started by Mr. Analog, February 05, 2013, 01:24:19 PM

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Mr. Analog

It looks like Bethesda Game Studios put out an ad looking for "next gen" developers, which could mean a lot of things however as stated in the article the call was for people who had specifically played Bethesda Game Studios games (of which only Fallout and Skyrim are on-going series).

This is both good and bad news for me as it means the next Fallout game is likely to take advantage of newer technology (well, new for consoles, contemporary for PC), the downside is that if they are just hiring programmers now it could be a long way off.


Other rumours of course include the possibility that the next game will be set in or around Boston, otherwise known as the Commonwealth (as hinted at in the Fallout 3 mission "The Replicated Man" whereby you have to hunt down an android that looks identical to a man), a lot of speculation revolves around adventuring to a high-tech city centred around MIT (a la the "Big Empty" from New Vegas DLC).

The other downside is that one of the more influential production artists who defined much of the look and feel of Fallout 3's buildings, cars and day to day objects passed away a couple of years ago, his designs help give the Fallout universe a very unique look and feel that I really hope is retained (and extended upon) going forward.

Ah well, at least I have Bioshock Infinite to look forward to!
By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

Bethesda has announced that for the first time they will be presenting at E3

By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

Bethesda recently changed content on their site for Fallout:

1. They updated the Google Trends block of code

2. They updated the site banner from New Vegas theme back to original Fallout theme

Updating Trends is interesting because old Google Trends works just fine, especially for a site with no active content, a lot of vault dwellers are looking at this as some back-end prep for E3. The hope is that new content will drop after the announcement.

Anyway, here's hoping!
By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

The rumors about Boston being the setting WERE TRUE!
By Grabthar's Hammer