check your builds, something's screwy

Started by Thorin, June 25, 2013, 06:42:05 PM

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I saw that, too.  It kinda looks like the edge of one of the rounded areas.  Once a user enters an area, square areas are filled in.  I would check if it looks the same in-game.  If it doesn't, then it's an Overviewer glitch that could be fixed by re-rendering.

Meanwhile my barn is definitely half-destroyed and all the animals are wandering around :(  This does provide me with the impetus to change the interior design a little - I'm going to replace the fences inside with something else so the animals don't keep displacing from one cell to another.  Probably won't look as nice, though.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Mr. Analog

This is CERTAINLY the work of a GREIFER

I found things still on fire in Edge City, selectively opened doors, I found things like doors, paintings and ovens still floating near clearly TNT blasted holes, many of my builds are damaged

Either there is a vulnerability or a white-listed player is running around causing problems.

While I was on a user named gizmo883 logged on and logged off after I talked to them.

Then there is aatmore, whose last login location is here:

Given that stuff was still not yet despawned in Edge City it makes me wonder what that user was doing out in the tundra.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on June 26, 2013, 02:54:56 PM
Then there is aatmore, whose last login location is here:

Given that stuff was still not yet despawned in Edge City it makes me wonder what that user was doing out in the tundra.
He mentioned wanting to make a base up there.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

All I know is that someone who either had a LOT of TNT to throw around or was opped had the wherewithal to wander around and blow up a lot of my stuff.

I would have thought it just glitches or something until I found the fires burning, random doors opened and not yet de-spawned stuff floating around.

Whoever the last visitor to Edge City was did a lot of damage before I logged in to check it today.
By Grabthar's Hammer


I guess I get to go about checking backups :( try and pinpoint the time it happened.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

That'd be cool, check before the 18th, I think that might be the magic date.
By Grabthar's Hammer


gizmo is a friend of my daughter's.  It's entirely possible a little or big brother is using their account and is causing mayhem.

That damage to your house at spawn?  That was not there when I was on yesterday.  So someone did that today.

Tom, please provide another list of people who have been on recently.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Yep, that was the house at spawn... for some reason people seem to like destroying my houses (in Tekkit, in Edge City... lol).

I should just MCEdit my builds to some far off location...
By Grabthar's Hammer


Mr_Analog: mintime: 00:00:32, maxtime: 02:50:59, totaltime: 18:08:22, connects: 25, last seen: 2013-06-26 14:45:40, reason: quitting: 22, endOfStream: 3
gizmo883: mintime: 00:00:04, maxtime: 00:27:56, totaltime: 04:23:24, connects: 28, last seen: 2013-06-26 14:33:10, reason: quitting: 28
Snowie0wl: mintime: 00:00:00, maxtime: 10:43:02, totaltime: 2 days 03:24:36, connects: 27, last seen: 2013-06-25 22:37:22, reason: quitting: 24, endOfStream: 2, UNK: 1
ThorinC: mintime: 00:00:00, maxtime: 03:08:33, totaltime: 1 days 01:29:01, connects: 49, last seen: 2013-06-25 19:09:52, reason: quitting: 40, endOfStream: 6, UNK: 3
kdevil: mintime: 00:01:43, maxtime: 01:13:57, totaltime: 17:36:52, connects: 47, last seen: 2013-06-25 18:24:43, reason: quitting: 45, endOfStream: 2
DrCoconut971: mintime: 00:00:06, maxtime: 04:12:29, totaltime: 1 days 05:38:15, connects: 40, last seen: 2013-06-24 13:03:04, reason: quitting: 36, endOfStream: 4
stormey494: mintime: 00:01:36, maxtime: 00:01:36, totaltime: 00:01:36, connects: 1, last seen: 2013-06-23 11:59:53, reason: quitting: 1
LUCKYCH4RMS: mintime: 00:00:00, maxtime: 02:40:03, totaltime: 1 days 02:23:57, connects: 72, last seen: 2013-06-22 23:44:39, reason: quitting: 49, endOfStream: 15, UNK: 8
LennyLen: mintime: 00:02:30, maxtime: 21:34:52, totaltime: 1 days 17:29:42, connects: 12, last seen: 2013-06-19 08:14:07, reason: quitting: 7, endOfStream: 5
aatmore: mintime: 00:42:23, maxtime: 01:00:51, totaltime: 01:43:14, connects: 2, last seen: 2013-06-18 20:21:26, reason: endOfStream: 2
Tomasu82: mintime: 00:03:35, maxtime: 00:20:43, totaltime: 00:24:18, connects: 2, last seen: 2013-06-08 13:45:48, reason: quitting: 2
CowGirl_: mintime: 00:05:52, maxtime: 00:24:18, totaltime: 00:40:31, connects: 3, last seen: 2013-06-07 00:30:38, reason: quitting: 3
YellowBear_: mintime: 00:01:14, maxtime: 01:07:39, totaltime: 01:20:04, connects: 4, last seen: 2013-06-02 17:53:48, reason: quitting: 3, endOfStream: 1
BMan_C: mintime: 00:00:07, maxtime: 00:29:22, totaltime: 01:50:45, connects: 9, last seen: 2013-06-01 17:35:07, reason: quitting: 7, genericReason: 1, endOfStream: 1
LadyLeenie: mintime: 00:18:27, maxtime: 00:18:27, totaltime: 00:18:27, connects: 1, last seen: 2013-06-01 08:18:53, reason: quitting: 1
vanneto: mintime: 00:04:10, maxtime: 00:09:03, totaltime: 00:13:13, connects: 2, last seen: 2013-05-28 07:35:23, reason: quitting: 1, endOfStream: 1
bag0bones: mintime: 00:12:18, maxtime: 00:12:18, totaltime: 00:12:18, connects: 1, last seen: 2013-05-26 16:04:48, reason: quitting: 1
KronkSan: mintime: 00:04:14, maxtime: 00:26:35, totaltime: 00:30:49, connects: 2, last seen: 2013-05-26 11:15:46, reason: quitting: 1, endOfStream: 1
aethun: mintime: 00:01:16, maxtime: 00:07:30, totaltime: 00:35:04, connects: 8, last seen: 2013-05-25 05:55:47, reason: endOfStream: 8

Hm, gizmo shows up just before Mr A goes to check his stuff.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Gizmo popped on and then off while I was logged in (see first screenshot I took today)
By Grabthar's Hammer


Okay, I know who owns the account gizmo883, it's a friend of my daughter's (YellowBear_).  It is possible that a sibling is using her account.  I will talk with YellowBear_ and have her talk to her friend.  In the meantime, please

1. give a list of all of the times gizmo883 has connected in the last three weeks
2. be prepared to restore a backup from some time ago
3. remove gizmo883 from the whiltelist

Dynamite is easy to make, there's gunpowder in various people's stashes and there's sand there as well.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer


I've asked YellowBear_ to contact her friend that owns the gizmo883 account.  The friend is out of town, but a mutual friend can relay messages.  I told YellowBear_ to ask gizmo883 if she's logged on to Usamot in the last couple of days, and to change her password.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Given that Gizmo was logged in today when I was on I'd say someone is using that account.
By Grabthar's Hammer