Doctor Who: Day of the Doctors on Space next weekend!

Started by Thorin, November 19, 2013, 12:07:11 AM

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Prayin' for a 20!

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Mr. Analog

By Grabthar's Hammer

Darren Dirt


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


My daughter and I are at an out-of-town tournament.  This is usually great fun, but she's kinda upset.  Turns out a couple of her friends invited her over to watch Day Of The Doctor and since she's out of town, she can't make it.

And I'm sad that she'd go watch it with friends instead of with her dad, who got her addicted opened her eyes to the Doctor.
Prayin' for a 20!

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If you have access to a web browser I am sure I could find you a stream to watch shortly after it airs.


Darren Dirt

Quote from: Lazybones on November 22, 2013, 09:24:25 PM
Super Cafe: Who's a Hero

Just now watched that, as well as the HISHE for Doomsday. Why? Because I'm Who-Fan!

Epic 50th tonight, wow, emotionally-stirring storyline that did something neato to established mythology without undoing anything critical (internal Whovian logic not contradicted, well done!) and considering some folks' concerns and advance complaint, GREAT fan service* throughout (*not just the TB part at the end, but also the subtle reference to the 10th/20th anniversary multi-doctor 'precedents')...  And some epic action scenes so solidly done that they musta been directed by Michael Bay's cousin (iirc his name is Bad Wolf Bay).

Anyway I hope you guys all enjoyed it as much as I did with all 3 of my kids (it was a Festivus miracle!)

Gotta allons-y now, insomnia falls no more!


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Yep, it was good also forced me to go look at Wikipedia for some continuity checks.

It's even better with the web mini episode the night of the doctor.

Best part is there is still a 2013 Christmas episode to come and wrap up the current season.

Mr. Analog

It was wonderful, all the little touches here and there were appreciated.

And of course seeing TB at the end, well a spark crossed my eye.

By Grabthar's Hammer




Very well put-together episode, although a bit hard to follow for young ones.  I actually would have preferred if they had gone through with burning the Daleks and the Timelords; now he's no longer all alone in the universe, and all those previous adventures where he's lamenting being the only one don't make sense any more.  They tried to hand-wave this by saying the timestreams are crossed and no one will remember anything anymore, but I dunno, that just didn't feel right.

I have to re-number my Doctor Who collection now, since they introduced an intermediate one - Hurt is now 9, Eccleston is now 10, Tennant is now 11, Smith is now 12, and Capaldi is now 13.  Did you notice Capaldi?  I did!  The worst part of that, of course, is the canon that says Timelords only get 12 regenerations.  So if they stick to established canon, Capaldi would be the last.  But they never do.

I want to go watch Terror Of The Zygons again.

Also, I caught Spearhead From Space on the weekend, and it actually introduced the Autons (plastic mannequins that moved) and the Nestene Consciousness, which were both featured in the first new-series episode in 2005, where Eccleston's doctor meets Rose Tyler.  I knew the Autons were re-used, but I didn't realize just how close the two storylines were.
Prayin' for a 20!

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Quote from: Thorin on November 24, 2013, 07:14:16 PM


Very well put-together episode, although a bit hard to follow for young ones.  I actually would have preferred if they had gone through with burning the Daleks and the Timelords; now he's no longer all alone in the universe, and all those previous adventures where he's lamenting being the only one don't make sense any more.  They tried to hand-wave this by saying the timestreams are crossed and no one will remember anything anymore, but I dunno, that just didn't feel right.

I have to re-number my Doctor Who collection now, since they introduced an intermediate one - Hurt is now 9, Eccleston is now 10, Tennant is now 11, Smith is now 12, and Capaldi is now 13.  Did you notice Capaldi?  I did!  The worst part of that, of course, is the canon that says Timelords only get 12 regenerations.  So if they stick to established canon, Capaldi would be the last.  But they never do.

I want to go watch Terror Of The Zygons again.

Also, I caught Spearhead From Space on the weekend, and it actually introduced the Autons (plastic mannequins that moved) and the Nestene Consciousness, which were both featured in the first new-series episode in 2005, where Eccleston's doctor meets Rose Tyler.  I knew the Autons were re-used, but I didn't realize just how close the two storylines were.

Hiding the planet vs destroying it keeps the timeline mostly the same as long as the old doctors don't remember. But the companions remember changed events. according to past episodes due to exposure to the time stream via the tardis. So it is a bad excuse.

Mr. Analog

Agreed, Gallifrey isn't in the same universe and is "unreachable" for the time being.

At first I was a bit bugged about the "first" Doctor being different, but then I started thinking about it, perhaps Hartnell's Doctor was the first regeneration, so we now have a "zeroeth" Doctor.

I ended up having a mini-marathon of Doctor Who this weekend, going back and watching some of my favourite serials, brought back a lot of memories. One thing that struck me though was how big the 50th was compared to the 25th back in 1988, it was a big deal on PBS but outside that bubble I didn't know of anyone in school who was a fan. Heck even Star Trek TNG wasn't all that popular among my peers.

How times change
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on November 25, 2013, 08:44:42 AM
Agreed, Gallifrey isn't in the same universe and is "unreachable" for the time being.

At first I was a bit bugged about the "first" Doctor being different, but then I started thinking about it, perhaps Hartnell's Doctor was the first regeneration, so we now have a "zeroeth" Doctor.

I ended up having a mini-marathon of Doctor Who this weekend, going back and watching some of my favourite serials, brought back a lot of memories. One thing that struck me though was how big the 50th was compared to the 25th back in 1988, it was a big deal on PBS but outside that bubble I didn't know of anyone in school who was a fan. Heck even Star Trek TNG wasn't all that popular among my peers.

How times change

First, the spoiler conversation:


What do you mean a new first doctor?  As far as I saw, the new doctor they introduced was John Hurt, and he existed between the Doctor Who Movie (Paul McGann, eighth doctor) and the start of the modern series (Christopher Eccleston, ninth doctor).  Even right at the end, where they showed all the doctors, William Hartnell was shown standing behind all the other doctors as if to say he was the first.

and now for the non-spoiler conversation:

Yes, geek is now chic.  They had a fan-favourite serial for each doctor on this weekend.  The two that I caught were Spearhead From Space for doctor 3 and Pyramids Of Mars for doctor 4.  I caught a bit of what they showed for Hartnell's doctor, doctor #1.  I think it was An Unearthly Child, but I'm not sure.
Prayin' for a 20!

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Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Thorin on November 25, 2013, 09:08:19 AM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on November 25, 2013, 08:44:42 AM
Agreed, Gallifrey isn't in the same universe and is "unreachable" for the time being.

At first I was a bit bugged about the "first" Doctor being different, but then I started thinking about it, perhaps Hartnell's Doctor was the first regeneration, so we now have a "zeroeth" Doctor.

I ended up having a mini-marathon of Doctor Who this weekend, going back and watching some of my favourite serials, brought back a lot of memories. One thing that struck me though was how big the 50th was compared to the 25th back in 1988, it was a big deal on PBS but outside that bubble I didn't know of anyone in school who was a fan. Heck even Star Trek TNG wasn't all that popular among my peers.

How times change

First, the spoiler conversation:


What do you mean a new first doctor?  As far as I saw, the new doctor they introduced was John Hurt, and he existed between the Doctor Who Movie (Paul McGann, eighth doctor) and the start of the modern series (Christopher Eccleston, ninth doctor).  Even right at the end, where they showed all the doctors, William Hartnell was shown standing behind all the other doctors as if to say he was the first.

and now for the non-spoiler conversation:

Yes, geek is now chic.  They had a fan-favourite serial for each doctor on this weekend.  The two that I caught were Spearhead From Space for doctor 3 and Pyramids Of Mars for doctor 4.  I caught a bit of what they showed for Hartnell's doctor, doctor #1.  I think it was An Unearthly Child, but I'm not sure.

Hmm, now I'm confused, I assumed John Hurt was supposed to be the first?

Quote from: Melbosa on November 25, 2013, 09:12:13 AM
This made me laugh:

So... Doctor Yes!
By Grabthar's Hammer