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Feed The Beast

Started by Thorin, December 28, 2012, 02:02:11 PM

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Well, my first thirty minutes with Feed The Beast involved twenty-five minutes of figuring out what the @%&# I was doing wrong with the launcher, one minute of exploring, and then four minutes of waiting for someone else to rescue me from an alternate world because the linking book was accidentally destroyed and there was no other way back.  Not all that different from destroying the portal in the Nether once you arrive, except it takes a lot longer to break obsidian than destroy a book, and if you break the obsidian you get it back so you could place it and re-ignite the portal.  Whereas the linking book was completely destroyed and there was absolutely no way to re-create one in the world I was in (giant desert cave).


Then I tried using a crafting table, and got a huge list of icons on the screen that I didn't recognize.  I'm sure I'll eventually figure it out, but it sure was overwhelming at first sight.

Then I tried zooming by pressing the left ctrl button, like I do in regular Minecraft.  Nope, doesn't work!  Oh well, that might be part of OptiFine or something.

That's when I stopped and had lunch.  Not sure if I'll come back and try it some more.  Maybe if other people are on.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Yeah, control zoom is an Optifine thing.

The giant list of stuff can be filtered (also I think  you can disable it).

I think I'll jump on because I'm not really working anymore.
By Grabthar's Hammer


I just picked a quiet spot away from the spawn to setup a NORMAL base...

The mini maps waypoint system is VERY nice... The items mod interface is a bit much however.

I didn't find the launcher that bad, also there is a youtube video or two that will show you how to add optifine to the launcher... I actually quit after only a few min to do that as performance on my system is VERY bad (integrated video but multi core CPU) without opti-fine running.


The Giant List of Stuff is NEI or Not Enough Items. Lets you check out the recipe's for items.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

You can disable NEI if you want but then you'll have a browser window open to a bunch of wikis ;) (just sayin')

I'm really surprised people are having a hard time with installing, usually I'm the one befuddled by stuff, all I did was download and run *shrug*
By Grabthar's Hammer


Download launcher, create profile, select dire wolf 20 pack, launch.

Opti-fine takes a few steps....

Getting started is like regular mine craft. Punch some trees and make shelter, or go off the Forrest age and start collecting resources since it is easy there.

Other than the map and inventory mods you encounter some new natural resources such as oil, crystals, bees etc. the crazy stuff doesn't happen till you hav built up some resources.

Mr. Analog

Woo yeah, Lazy making a good sized dent already!

I braved the nether, it was legitimately scary, lots of ghasts and flaming bats (!?)

I'm actually surprised how many machines I was able to build today, I should be moving on to more advanced Buildcraft stuff very soon... which in itself is scary.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Mods are all about the middle and especially end game. Some are even about the end-end-end-end game (I'm looking at you GregTech and GraviSuite).
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Can we add guns? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeez!
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Mr. Analog on December 28, 2012, 07:50:10 PM
Can we add guns? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeez!
Everyone would have to go find that particular mod and install it separately. Kinda up to everyone.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Tom on December 28, 2012, 08:05:03 PM
Quote from: Mr. Analog on December 28, 2012, 07:50:10 PM
Can we add guns? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeez!
Everyone would have to go find that particular mod and install it separately. Kinda up to everyone.

I don't mind if people get shot by invisible bullets lol

It would be for mob control more than anything.

I'm a long way from a Tesla coil :D
By Grabthar's Hammer


Quote from: Lazybones on December 28, 2012, 04:10:09 PM
Download launcher, create profile, select dire wolf 20 pack, launch.

Opti-fine takes a few steps....

Getting started is like regular mine craft. Punch some trees and make shelter, or go off the Forrest age and start collecting resources since it is easy there.

Other than the map and inventory mods you encounter some new natural resources such as oil, crystals, bees etc. the crazy stuff doesn't happen till you hav built up some resources.

Thank you for that.  I'll have to do some learnin' one of these days.  For now I'm sticking to our "vanilla" server so I don't have to have a learning curve :)
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Mr. Analog

Actually it's probably for the best because it's addicting as hell.

As I type this waiting for the kettle to heat up I'm doing the math in my head to see how much material I am away from making a Quarry or whether it's even worth building or if I should start Railcraft.... AAAAAH!

3 diamonds and 2 sticks for the pick
28 sticks for 7 gears
28 stones for 7 stone gears
14 iron ore macerated into 28 iron dust smelted into 28 iron bars for 7 iron gears
16 gold for 2 gold gears
8 diamond for 2 diamond gears
1 redstone

Now how do I power this sucker?

I'll probably have to build an Energy Link...

I wonder if I could use an electric engine from Forestry?

Or should start building Railcraft stuff to just make mining easier?

or should I build a factory?

or or or
By Grabthar's Hammer


Yeaahhh, all of the stuff I did last night was totally not really on my immediate plan. But then the coal coke is a really good fuel, so it was worth setting that up. And the buildcraft stuff was stuff I've been wanting to play with since I first found out about BC3, and its been months and months. So yeah, I'm having fun. This is the first modded setup where I didn't start with IC2. I think I'm going with a mix of BC3, RP2, and Thermal Expansion (BC addon).
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!

Mr. Analog

It's funny how that goes eh?
By Grabthar's Hammer