this boy's got game. video game game. old school video game game.

Started by Darren Dirt, December 18, 2014, 03:55:12 PM

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Darren Dirt

Dad introduces each generation of console games to his son, his son kicks his dad's personal high scores etc...

Also, BONUS!
"the experiment certainly had an impact on the types of games Eliot likes now. In addition to Minecraft (which virtually every kid gamer enjoys), Eliot has a knack for difficult games that challenge those 2-3 times his age ? and he?s really good at them, too."

A true feelgood story on the internets, whowouldathunkit? For this kid at least can't say to him "you don't know how much tougher video games were back in my day..." yes, he DOES know, and playing them has made him a more skillful gamer overall!  8)


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

I actually saw this and thought the opposite about it, I mean if this was some parent forcing their kids into hockey to relive their experiences as a kid "hockey dad" would probably be the correct pejorative term.

I couldn't shake that image from my head while I was reading the blog about the whole thing.

I unno, it seems weird to me
By Grabthar's Hammer


If the dad forced him to play for years while he was crying every time he picked up the controller, yes, this would be "video game dad" like the pejorative "hockey dad".  If the dad made him try it, and then the kid decided he liked it and wanted to keep going for years, that's entirely different.  And most kids that play hockey these days are playing because their parents really wanted them to try it and made them stick it out the first year.  A lot of them end up liking it once they get better at skating and stick with it for another eight to ten years.  But if the parents allowed them to give up in that first year, they'd never get to that eight to ten year threshold.

The kid looks pretty pumped to have beaten Spelunky in that last picture, though.  Doesn't look like the kind of expression you'd see on a kid forced against their will to do something for several years.  Also, Minecraft is awesome.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Spelunky is fn hard. no joke. especially if you do things like a "RSVP" (Robbing shops very poorly) run where you have to rob all of the shops, and can't use a shotgun at all.
<Zapata Prime> I smell Stanley... And he smells good!!!