Alberta: Rat Free -- unless you think a handful of dead rats undoes that (!?)

Started by Darren Dirt, March 28, 2019, 10:41:29 AM

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Darren Dirt

LOL @ this edit war.

An edit war THAT HAS LASTED MORE THAN HALF A DECADE. <<< some choice words shared between the opponents**


I restored the map, dingleballs. THERE ARE NO BROWN RATS IN ALBERTA! It's true - deal with the reality.

We killed them all years ago, with extreme brutality involving poison, shotguns, high explosives and incendiary devices.

Any rat that steps across the border dies a grim and painful death, and all the citizens enjoy it because they get first whack at rat-flattening. The rats are gone, and we are not letting them back in.

There are big surly men in pickups with 12-gauge shotguns waiting for any rat foolish enough to stray across the border, and they take their job seriously. If the shotguns don't work, the poisons, explosives, and Tiger torches come out.

If they can't get the rats out of your house any other way, they'll blow up your house, set fire to the ruins, and shoot any rat that runs for it. If you get in their way, they will charge you with "Harbouring a Rat" and fine you $5000.

PS: only reason I found this today is because I was double-checking on the new website re. the status of our long-running Alberta Rat Quiz. Yet another thing I gotta let go of most likely...

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Darren Dirt

PS: when searching I also found this
Back in 2014. They "re-used" our content. Uncredited. Wording is identical, even the order of choices. But no reference to the original.


vs. ours


I like the way ours works better anyway; unlike ours, on THEIRS the answers are visible from the web browser client LOL

Strive for progress. Not perfection.