Animator in need of scripts

Started by Fedora Gal, October 03, 2005, 02:57:25 PM

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Fedora Gal

Well folks I'm in need of all your creative brains to help me out in creating a demo reel/short animation.

I've just recently purchased my very own copy of Animation Master and have decided to finally do what I've always wanted and start applying at game developers and animation studios....but to do that I need the ever coveted Demo Reel!

But guess what, I'm horrible with coming up with ideas!! Which is where all you lovely folks come in, the best Idea I had was the snowman stop animation hehehe while funny it really wasn't all that great!

If any of you have wanted to write a short 2-3 minute animation now's the time. Or if you've got an idea for a wicked character that's you've got a 2D rough of, and want it made 3D send it my way. All credit for script/character ideas etc. will be given to the Creator of course, all I'm looking for is something to animate/make 3D characters for. I've got about a week before the software gets here, so plenty of time to formulate ideas. I'd really appreciate any help, I'll also be trying to come up with a few myself of course heh.
When the going gets tough, the tough make lemonade!

Fedora Gal

oh I should say that I would prefer scripts without a lot of talking, actually none would be good, just animation sequences, as I don't have the ability/time to be recording all the sounds as well as doing voice overs.

Think 3D silent film! *chuckles*
When the going gets tough, the tough make lemonade!


If you are targting the game industry I would HIGHLY suggest you rig a character modle up and import it into a current game engine like UT 2K4.

If you want ideas, I would check out the polycount forums challenge section.


The industry is in desperate need for artists of all kinds (hense the lack of gameplay but it sure looks purdy).

I gotta agree with Lazy.  Also keep in mind what kind of software that game development uses in the modelling process (3DSMAX, Maya, etc).  For model importing, UT, Doom 3, Source would be the 3 engines i would look at creating for.

Also should remember that in the game industry that sure a 10,000,000 poly model sure looks good, but suppose its an RTS game, that model becomes the size of bug, and needs to display 1,000s of them.

Mr. Analog

Ooh so many ideas! But I have to storyboard them!
By Grabthar's Hammer

Fedora Gal

Ayep to Lazy and Shayne, I will be working on some character mods for some games as well and although I do know my way around 3Ds Max and Maya....kinda

Animation Master I know through the nose and it's affordable which is why I started there. I can export from AM into Maya or 3Ds Max for my finalization and for renders etc, we'll have to see which one has the best render engine.

And thanks for the Link Lazy, will read up on that while at *cough* work *cough*.

Knew Mr. A would step up, he's always brimming with ideas...look forward to what zany thing he can come up with this time *chuckle*
When the going gets tough, the tough make lemonade!