National Novel Writing Month

Started by Darren Dirt, October 12, 2005, 12:11:43 PM

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Darren Dirt

National Novel Writing Month - FAQs

Art for art's sake does wonderful things to you. It makes you laugh. It makes you cry. It makes you want to take naps and go places wearing funny pants. Doing something just for the hell of it is a wonderful antidote to all the chores and "must-dos" of daily life. Writing a novel in a month is both exhilarating and stupid, and we would all do well to invite a little more spontaneous stupidity into our lives.

The entire FAQ is very funny, and very true. And the idea is brilliant, simple, and potentially life-changing.

So what the hell. I'm diving in.

Anyone with me? *deafened by probable silence and/or exclamations of 'what the hell for, you insane crazy redneck weirdo!'*

Q: Did you know there is a group in Vancouver that writes novels in a weekend?

A: Yes, and they are fools. Everyone knows that any deep and lasting work of art takes an entire month to make.


Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

I'm going to write a novel about betrayal on the high seas and the topsy turvey world of rocket retrieval!
By Grabthar's Hammer


I'd kick in with this myself but I don't know what the kids nowadays like to read about. I mean I have the story structures all ready to go for:

  • An alternate world steampunk inspired tale of two female soldiers trying to investigate the repeated disappearances of people in their batallion. Now with 100% more alchemy and clockwork devices.

  • An urban ghost hunter story about a young man who threw away a good life and a promising singing career for the ability to fight the spirits he's able to see.

  • A novletta simply titled Tales of Interest: Don't Stick Your Finger There, Seriously Man! (essentially a compilation of interesting things, their defenitions, and other random junk of the variety I usually dole out)

Darren Dirt

Geez, Tonnica, you're almost reminding me of how easy it would be to integrate and combinate a bunch of CoH story arcs into a unique Hollywood-ready story! ;)

Seriously, though, my brother found a book in the library by the director of NaNoWriMo, and as a result looked into it. Today I found out there are a whole lot of others in Edmonton taking part (some for the 3rd or 4th year in a row) so it's kinda nice and surprising to know there's a social aspect to this insanity too -- what can it hurt?  8) the FAQ, it's funny even if you chicken out -- oops, I mean determine that there are far more important things for you to do this gloomy upcoming month than create a 250 page steaming pile of excrement for which your friends and family will suffer mood swings angry insults and other abuse that you cast about at those who Just Don't Understand the lifestyle you lead for 30 days...

-I'm thinking in order to get "into the write mindset" I'm gonna mess my hair and put on a toque and grumble at my half-blind (imaginary) dog like Johnny Depp's character in "Secret Window". :P

Strive for progress. Not perfection.

Mr. Analog

Hmm, I was going to change my name to Henry and have a really grammar-focused boss and daydream a lot about the various foibles of language, but, youre plan sounds good too...
By Grabthar's Hammer