Finally! A new phone I like...

Started by Mr. Analog, October 30, 2006, 11:34:06 AM

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Mr. Analog

Motorola's Dumb Phone

QuoteMobile phones in the United States are more power-hungry and complicated than ever. But one of the latest phones from Motorola, aimed primarily at other markets and due out by the end of the year, is just the opposite. Looking for more customers, the company did extensive market research in poor countries. The result: the company's slimmest phone yet, boasting cutting-edge technology that--rather than adding complexity--extends battery life and makes the phone simpler to use.

Personally, I dislike convergence in my devices and a big gripe I have about a lot of new cellphones is that they usually harbor a lot of "extras" that I will never use (like a camera or the ability ot play mp3s, etc). This kind of phone is something I could really get behind, if it ever got released here...
By Grabthar's Hammer


I would like to see more convergence.  I'm tired of walking around with multiple digital devices.  The negative to that though is that historically devices built for one purpose do that purpose far better then devices built for many purposes.


I saw that phone as well.. Personally I like my converged device 90% of the time.. The other 10% I wish I wasn't on a CDMA network and instead had a SIM card I could slip in a dumb phone for after hours or on the weekends.

The focus on battery life and reception sound like great ideas on this new device.