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Started by Mags, January 28, 2008, 01:18:04 PM

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Well, had it with Zip today. Haven't been getting refills (when they send you a movie as soon as you send one back instead of waiting till they receive it) for months. And now I haven't been getting any movies at all since Jan 15th. And yes I added many older titles weeks ago just to make sure it wasn't the fact that I was asking for all new titles or some such problem. My ziplist was 2 pages long, so I would assume that should be more then enough. Especially since that is the longest my ziplist has ever been, and I have never had problems previous to the last couple months.

So I tried to call them to yell at someone, but after 45 minutes of waiting I clicked cancel account. Then as I'm doing that a guy finally answers and I told him that I already canceled. He then asks me if that was why I called, I said no but after waiting so long, it made up my mind. He then proceeds to argue with me about how long I waited for them to answer?!?!?! Wow, was pissed so I just hung up on the asshole.

The only thing that I screwed up on though is that I didn't realize that I just got dinged for another month's subscription. And they don't honor by billing, but by the second you press the button. ><

My buddy Andy is also having problems with them as well, anyone else here having the same problem? And, if you are not using Zip are there any other services that are good out there? I know Blockbuster was going to do it, but hadn't brought service to Canada yet last time I checked.
"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"

Darren Dirt


Rogers, perhaps? I've seen their promo material in the B&M stores (one of which is 2 blocks away, so I use it a lot instead of trusting the mailing thingie)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Never had the need for the delivery services like that.  I can understand however if you are still in the rural areas.  Sorry don't know what advise to give...
Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!


Until the movie studios can get some kind of online system setup thats both easier and more convenient than P2P, people will continue to just download (which is what I'd recommend as a replacement for zip).  Cost is less of a factor - people will use whats easiest even if it costs more.


Quote from: Darren Dirt on January 28, 2008, 02:21:21 PM

Rogers, perhaps? I've seen their promo material in the B&M stores (one of which is 2 blocks away, so I use it a lot instead of trusting the mailing thingie)

Unfortunately Rogers is just a front end for Zip, so I would expect their service to be exactly the same.
"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"


Quote from: Cova on January 28, 2008, 03:16:24 PM
Until the movie studios can get some kind of online system setup thats both easier and more convenient than P2P, people will continue to just download (which is what I'd recommend as a replacement for zip).  Cost is less of a factor - people will use whats easiest even if it costs more.

I hear ya, but I always worry about quality on downloads (realizing it's easier to find the dvd quality downloads now then it used to be.) But, I guess the biggest factor is that the wireless company that supplies my internet is more stringent on the downloads then shaw/telus are.
"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"

Mr. Analog

Quote from: Mags on January 28, 2008, 01:18:04 PM
He then proceeds to argue with me about how long I waited for them to answer?!?!?! Wow, was pissed so I just hung up on the asshole.

What the hell!?! Some phonetard argued with you about you being upset by their system? That's unbelievable!

For that alone I would leave ANY service immediately.
By Grabthar's Hammer


Just a quick follow up. Zip send me an e-mail that they wished to know why I quit and if there was anything they could do. So I figured what the hell, maybe if I tell them what asshats they are maybe they'll give me enough free months I might consider it. So, I write up a long drawn out explanation of why I quit, and what a p.o.s. the rep I talked to was. Send the e-mail. Just got a message back saying that the reply was deleted because it was blocked by their firewall..... wow.
"Bleed all over them, let them know you're there!"


Wow they really want your business ???
i aM A NoBoDy, NoBoDy iS PeRfEcT, tHeReFoRe, I'M PeRfEcT!


Sometimes I Think Before I Type... Sometimes!

Mr. Analog

Incompetence -noun;

1. the quality or condition of being incompetent; lack of ability.
2. Law. the condition of lacking power to act with legal effectiveness.
By Grabthar's Hammer