Tron 2 -- not just a video game...

Started by Darren Dirt, August 05, 2008, 12:48:24 PM

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Darren Dirt


Strive for progress. Not perfection.


Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful

Darren Dirt

TR2N: concerns re. modern sfx technology

"why state-of-the art effects cannot do it justice"

comment by ja615...
The original film's status as a classic fantasy film is due largely to its dated (and I use that word with great admiration) effects.

In the early eighties, the "digital" realm of TRON had to be mostly simulated with non-digital elements, resulting in a uniquely inspired aesthetic that has never been duplicated. CGI gradually became more vivid and spacially complex, making such simulations redundant, and eventually leading to the exact opposite aim from TRON's creators: to make digital elements resemble "real life."

In 2008, when it is difficult to distinguish between a major motion picture and a video game, TRON's lo-fi, organic simulation of the digital realm feels comparatively vibrant. I hope the filmmakers will keep this in mind as they resurrect TRON. It was the trailer that got me worried. In the early eighties for a film to achieve the look of a video game was a unique accomplishment. But in 2008 most sci-fi films look like video games anyway, so it doesn't excite me at all. Unlike the first one, which had a completely original look, this sequel looks derivative, more eager to follow trends than to set them.

fans continue to engage in flame wars (etc.)

AICN also has talked with some TRON people...


Strive for progress. Not perfection.