Shark Jumps Onto Waterslide

Started by Lazybones, December 19, 2008, 11:48:50 AM

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I love some of the comments on that story (some funny, some sobering).  I even went to the original story on TMZ and read that.  Here's my favourite comment, though:

Quote from:
One might wonder why a shark tank is right next to a water slide in a resort where large amounts of alcohol are consumed.

Seriously, no one thought their sharks could jump out of their tanks?  They need to spend more time reading Wikipedia!

Quote from:
The blacktip is one of only a few sharks that can jump fully out of the water, a behaviour called breaching. They have also been observed surfacing to look around (spy-hopping).
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


Here's some pictures of that slide...  You actually start above the open tank and then the slide goes through the tank.  See the sharks swimming around?

Here's the slide going through the tank:

Apparently there's also a slow tube ride that goes through the shark tank...
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


That does explain how it got in there...

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Thorin on December 19, 2008, 12:44:47 PM
Here's some pictures of that slide...

Google Maps (too much cloud cover though :( ; actual Lat/Long: 25.085954, -77.323419 )

More photos on The Google , wow that water is so blue and warm-looking, and today outside it's -30... anyone else hurtin'?

Strive for progress. Not perfection.