Want a networking job? ... in Antarctica?

Started by Mr. Analog, January 27, 2010, 08:45:11 AM

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Mr. Analog

Heh, so, there's a networking job down Antarctica way for those inclined. I know Lazy worked at some off-site locations that were pretty far removed from civilization but imagine working in a windowless bunker for a prolonged period of time?

I wonder what an opportunity like that pays?
By Grabthar's Hammer


"A supervising communications technical officer with a base salary of $72,726 before tax and an allowance of $49,014 was the highest paid of the three roles. The Government paid superannuation of 15.4 percent."

not bad but still not enough for most i bet.

Darren Dirt

When the warmer of your days is -50c and you don't see any other human beings but your co-workers for months at a time, sounds like it would take a LOT of "hazard pay" to make it worth it for most of us ;)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.


I dunno, if I had no wife and kids I'd do something like this - it's quite an adventure still mostly safe.  And it's not always cold there, just never warm.  As for seeing only your coworkers, well, you'll probably end up being good buddies with at least some of them.

I'd be concerned about the lack of internet, but then this posting is for a person who pretty much makes sure there's internet.
Prayin' for a 20!

gcc thorin.c -pedantic -o Thorin
compile successful


I think the one page I checked out said summer has a high of about -1 or -3 C.

The real issue is what research station you are at.. The new one they built and highlighted on Discovery channel looks great (US I think), the old one and other nations ones look down right horrid.

Darren Dirt

Quote from: Thorin on February 01, 2010, 02:59:13 PM
I dunno, if I had no wife and kids I'd do something like this - it's quite an adventure still mostly safe.  And it's not always cold there, just never warm.  As for seeing only your coworkers, well, you'll probably end up being good buddies with at least some of them.
...which is what would make it so hard to kill them to ensure your own survival, when they appear to be infected by an alien life form ala that X-Files episode with the aggression-inducing worm... ;)

Strive for progress. Not perfection.